Submittal Action page

2 minutes
11 months ago

Submittal Action page

This page shows the details of a contract management workflow action taken on a submittal.

Action is the type of action performed. Types of submittal actions include Received, Forwarded, Response, Review Response, Pending Review Response, Sent, Closed, Sent and Closed, and Reopened.

Submittal Action

The following list contains all available fields for all of the types of submittal actions. Each submittal action contains a different subset of these fields.


The subject of the submittal.


The recipient of the current submittal action. Select the link to open the Contact Information dialog box.


Any other contacts included in the submittal action.


The contact who assigned the submittal action.

Submittal ID

The ID number of the submittal.

Sender ID

The ID the sender gave to the submittal.


The purpose of the submittal.

Transmittal ID

The ID number of the submittal’s corresponding transmittal.

Date Received/Sent/Closed

The date the relevant action occurred.


The method used to transfer the submittal.


When a response to the submittal is due.




Page Tools

The following tools are available in the Submittal Action page toolbar.

Submittal: <Submittal name>

Select to return to the Submittal page.

This option is only available to Project Center (internal) users.


Select to return to the My Submittal Actions log.

Internal users are returned to the Submittals log.

Send Response

Select to open the Send Submittal Response page to send a response to a submittal.

Markup and Respond

Select to open the Newforma Web Viewer to view the attached files, mark up with any comments and send the response.

View Form

Select to open a printable version of this page.


To access this page

Select a submittal action from the My Submittal Actions log, or an action from the Workflow tab of a Submittal page.

If submittals are not available to you, see Make a Project Center Project and Its Activity Centers Available on Info Exchange.