Site Visit Page

5 minutes
10 months ago

Site Visit Page

Use this page to view the details of a site visit on Info Exchange. External and internal (Project Center) users see the same information unless otherwise noted.

Site Visits

Visit Name

The name given to the visit.

Date Created

The date the site visit was created.

Created By

The contact who created the site visit. Select the link to open the Contact Information dialog box.


The date and time the site visit started.


The names of all contacts involved with the site visit.


Lists all project team members to whom the site visit will be sent. Click the link to view all recipients.

Form Template

The site visit template used to create the site visit.


Any keywords applied to the site visit.


The site visit’s type.


The status of the site visit.


The date and time the site visit ended.


Lists all project team members to whom the site visit will be sent as a carbon copy.


Observations tab

Expand Observation Details

Select  to expand an observation with an associated action item. Additional information about the action item is displayed. Select the Subject of the action item to open the Action Item page and view its details.

Item Number

The observation item number.


When selected, indicates the observation item is urgent.


The category assigned to the site visit observation.


The space associated with the observation.


The subject of the observation.


Any remarks entered that add details to the observation.


Any notes or comments entered for reference information.


Displays discussion items for the observation item. Select the ellipse button to open the Discussion Items dialog box to view all discussion items entered for the observation.

Date Created

Date the observation item was created.


Project team member who created the observation item.


When checked, indicates that the observation item is closed. Once closed, observations will not be carried forward during the Create Next in Series operation to create a new site visit.

Date Closed

Date the observation item was closed.

Supporting Documents

 Displays the number of supporting documents associated with the observation item. There are two possible icons that may appear in the field:

192-download-attached-files.png Download Attached Files

Select to download files attached to many project items directly from the log page.

 188-expired.pngRequest Expired Files

Select the image to send a request to the owner to repost the files. when the files have been removed from Info Exchange. This occurs when the transfer item has expired.

Internal users can access all of the supporting documents.


General tab

This tab displays any General Comments or Weather Observations entered for the site visit.


Supporting Documents tab

Displays the supporting documents for the site visit that are available to you. Click on the link for a file to view it in the Newforma Web Viewer. If the filename is not a hyperlink, click the icon to open or save the file locally.

Internal users can access all of the supporting documents.


The name of the file.


The file type.

Upload Supporting Documents

Use this area to add supporting documents to the site visit.

This option is only available for internal (Project Center) users.

Add Files

Click to open the Choose File to Upload dialog box and select a file.

You can select multiple files using standard Windows Shift and Ctrl selection techniques.

Remove All Files

Click to remove all files selected for upload.

Drag-and-Drop Files Here

Drag and drop files directly from Windows to add them to the list of files to upload.

This option is only available if your browser supports the functionality.


Click to upload the files to the Supporting Documents tab.


Page Tools

The following tools are available in the Site Visit page toolbar.

Site Visits

Select to return to the Site Visits log.

Send Email

Select to open the Send Email page to send an email containing the site visit’s information as shown to a project team member.

View Form

Select to open a printable version of this page.


Additional Page Tools

Depending on your permission set, the following tools may also be available:


Select to close the site visit.

Revert to Draft

If a site visit has been closed, select to set the status back to Draft.


Select to open the Modify Site Visit page and edit the site visit.


Select to delete the site visit.

Create Next in Series

Select to open the Add Site Visit page and create a site visit based on the current item.

Supporting documents and email are not copied to the new site visit.

Open observations are carried over to the new site visit.


To access this page

Select the Start date for a site visit from the Site Visits log.

If site visits are not available to you, see Make a Project Center Project and Its Activity Centers Available on Info Exchange.