Action Items Overview

3 minutes
11 months ago

Action Items Overview

Use the Action Items log to create, track, and manage action items throughout the life cycle of a project. Action items are defined as anything that needs to be acted upon in a set time frame with a defined result in order to avoid an adverse impact on a project; or in order to secure a required beneficial result.

Project Center users (internal project team members) can use any web browser, including mobile devices, to create and edit action items for their projects from the web. Other users can track action items that are assigned to them.

To create new action items on Info Exchange, you must be a member of a permission set that allows this option. Contact your Newforma administrator for more information.


Action items contain the following information:

Descriptive fields such as Subject, ID, Type, Priority, and Discipline.

A Status, with values such as Not Started, In Progress, Deferred, Waiting on Someone Else, Action Complete, and Completed, which is critical in managing action items.

Fields named Overdue and Coming Due and icons to alert you when an action item needs attention.

Fields for tracking accountability, such as Assigned To, Assigned By, and Due Date.


These action item fields enable project team members to use the Action Items drop-down list of the Action Items log to quickly filter the project action items list by common criteria such as Open, Overdue – Assigned To Me, Overdue – Assigned By Me, Due in 8 Days, Open – Awaiting Assignment, Open – Assigned To Me, and Open – Assigned By Me.

Open items are created for contacts who are assigned action items (or for the contact who assigned the action item if it has not been assigned). Also, Info Exchange sends out reminders for coming due and overdue action items.

Action Items Process Flow

The following chart shows the typical flow of the action item process:


Related items

Related items may only be added to an action item in Project Center.

Receive automatic feedback if an action item is created or updated

You can receive automatic notification if you are added to an action item as an interested party or if the action item is assigned to you.

Provide feedback on an action item

Click Send Email to send feedback on an action item to a project team member to add more information regarding the issue you are tracking.

Action item reports

You can export the contents of the Action Items log to PDF, Microsoft Excel, a .RTF file or a .CSV file using the Export option in the Action Items log toolbar.

Action Items User Assistance

Action Items Log

Action Item Page

Add an Action Item