Addenda Overview

2 minutes
1 year ago

Addendums Overview

Addendums are documents or information that clarify, modify, or support the information in the original contract documents. After the project is sent out to bid, a change to the original bid documents may be required to address questions that come in (in the form of an RFI), or address changes required for the project. The information that needs to be sent out may be in the form of drawings (sketches or supplemental drawings), specifications, or instructions that clarify, modify, or support the information. To communicate this information, an addendum is generated to distribute the required documents out to all bidders to incorporate the changes into the bid set. Once an addendum is issued, the documents sent out become part of the contract documents when the contract is awarded.

Info Exchange support

Addendums can be reviewed and sent electronically through email or Info Exchange. From Info Exchange, external project team members can do the following:

Answer addendums that were forwarded to them for a review.

Manage open addendums assigned to them using the My Addendum Actions log.

Download associated files and view them using the Newforma Web Viewer.

Reference related items that were sent in the addendum.

Internal (Project Center) project team members can review and track addendums using the full Addendums log in Info Exchange, enabling them to track the addendum process via Info Exchange.


Your ability to view all addendums depends on your permission set assignment.