Companies Log

3 minutes
1 year ago

Companies Log

This page shows all companies from the Project Center global database.

This page is available only if you are an internal (Project Center) user.


Expand Company

Select the plus sign to the left of the company to view all contacts for the company, including their contact information.


Select  to modify the company.


The name of the company.


When multiple locations/offices exist for a company, the phone number to the primary location is displayed.

When you have only one location, it becomes the primary location.


When multiple locations/offices exist for a company, the city for the primary location is displayed.


When multiple locations/offices exist for a company, the state for the primary location is displayed.


When multiple locations/offices exist for a company, the country for the primary location is displayed.

Main Contact

The main contact assigned for the company.


Disciplines assigned to the company.


The company rating, on a scale of 1 (worst) to 5 (best). Edit the company to set the rating value.


Additional fields

The following fields can be added to the Companies log by selecting the Show/Hide Columns button to access the Field Chooser.

Address Type

The address type for the company location. Common options are: Main, Office, Job Site. Available options are retrieved from your global keywords list.

Company Type

The company type. Available options are retrieved from your global keywords list.


The email address of the main contact for the company.

Fax Number

The company fax number.


Displays a list of all locations defined for the company.


Displays any notes entered on the Notes tab for the company on the Company Information dialog box.

Spec Section

Displays spec sections assigned to the company. Available options are retrieved  from your global keywords list.


Displays the street name for the primary location.

Street Address

Displays the complete address for the primary location.

Web Site

Displays the company website.


Displays the zip code for the primary location.


Log Page Tools

The following tools are available in the Companies Log toolbar. For more information, refer to Log Page Tools.

Add Company

Select to open the Add Company dialog box to add a new company.


To access this page

From the toolbar, select Directory > Companies.

If companies are not available to you, see Make a Project Center Project and Its Activity Centers Available on Info Exchange.