RFIs activity center
RFIs Activity Center
Use this activity center to log, review, and track requests for information (RFIs) electronically, and record the history of actions. Use it to perform the following tasks in the current project:
Project Center administrators can set which tasks appear here using the Remove Contract Management Item Tasks dialog box. RFIs
New RFI > Create RFI
Click to open the Create RFI dialog box to create a new RFI.
New RFI > Log a Received RFI
Click to open the Log a Received RFI dialog box to log a received RFI.
Click to open the Create a Report dialog box to select the type of RFI report to create. The report contains the contents of this log. You can customize which columns appear in reports by selecting which columns to show and hide in the activity center. Simply right-click on column headers to add or remove columns. A checkmark indicates that the column will appear in the activity center and the report. You can include RFI questions and answers in reports by marking the Display Report Details When Available option in the Create a Report dialog box.
Import Spreadsheet
Click to open the Select Spreadsheet dialog box to select a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet containing RFI data that you can import. The imported RFIs are placed in the appropriate log based on the type imported.
View Pending Items
This task appears when there are Pending Incoming RFI transfers. Click to list only Pending RFIs. Selected RFIThe following list shows all available tasks for all RFI categories, in alphabetical order. The tasks that appear depend on which category you select from.
Close > Close
Click to open the Close RFI dialog box to close the RFI without providing a response.
Close > Respond and Close
Click to open the Respond to RFI and Close dialog box to file the response to the sender of the RFI and close it. If the RFI has files associated with it, the Select Files to Send dialog box will open first.
Close > Send and Close
Click to open the Send and Close RFI dialog box to send the selected RFI to other contacts and close it. If the RFI has files associated with it, the Select Files to Send dialog box will open first.
Create Similar RFI
Click to create a new RFI based on the one selected. The new one contains most of the information from the original, except for unique identifiers such as the ID. The new one is also automatically related to the original. Supporting documents from the original are included. If the original contains a receive action with files and/or description of contents entries, the Select Files and Description of Contents dialog box opens first, enabling you to select the items to include in the new copy.
You must be a Project Center administrator and have a contract management role to delete RFIs. Click to delete the RFI from Project Center.
Forward for Review
Click to open the Forward RFI for Review dialog box to forward the RFI to any contacts who are responsible for reviewing the RFI and to create a transmittal. If the RFI has received files or supporting documents associated with it, the Select Files to Forward for Review dialog box will open first so you can select the files to forward.
Join Bluebeam Studio Session
Click to join an active Bluebeam session for the RFI.
Click to open the Modify RFI dialog box to edit the settings for the selected RFI, including due dates, included files, and the question.
Open in Bluebeam Studio
Click to open an active Bluebeam session for the RFI.
Receive Pending Review Response
Click to open the Record Reviewer Response for RFI dialog box to receive a pending RFI response from Info Exchange.
Receive Pending RFI
Click to open the Log a Received RFI dialog box to receive a pending RFI from Info Exchange.
Record Reviewer Response
Click to open the Record Reviewer Response for RFI dialog box to record a response received back about an RFI that was forwarded to other contacts. When you receive a response back from a contact, record it using this task to track its progress.
Related Items >
See the Related Items Tasks topic for information.
Click to open the Re-Open RFI dialog box to re-open a closed RFI.
Review Related Action Items
Click to open the Related Action Items activity center to view action items related to the selected item.
Review Related Markup Sessions
This task is available only when you select an RFI that has related markup sessions. Click to open the Related Markup Sessions activity center to view information about and preview the RFI’s related markup sessions.
Click to open the Send RFI dialog box to send the RFI to other contacts to review, and create a new outgoing transmittal for the RFI.
Send Email About RFI > To the Author
Click to open an email message to send to the contact who originally sent the RFI. The email message includes information about the RFI.
Send Email About RFI > To the Recipients
Click to open an email message to send to the original RFI recipients as a reminder or with additional information. The email message includes information about the RFI.
Send Email About RFI > To All Reviewers
Click to open an email message to send to the contacts who are currently reviewing the RFI as a reminder or with additional information. The email message includes information about the RFI.
Send Email About RFI > To All Participants
Click to open an email message to send to all RFI participants, including the author, recipients, and reviewers as a reminder or with additional information. The email message includes information about the RFI.
View Form
Click to open the RFI form to view or print the selected RFI’s details and history. Selected ActionSee Selected Action panel. Access the actions by clicking the expand The file tasks apply to files in the Supporting Documents tab. See File Tasks panel. See Email Tasks panel. |
Project RFIsCategory drop-down listThe category drop-down list contains filters to display RFIs by category. For example, if you want to view overdue RFIs, select Overdue from the list. Only overdue RFIs will appear in the log. You can also choose to display RFIs for all project users or only RFIs on which you are listed as the sender or recipient. Each category is explained below.
AllClick to display all RFIs that have been entered for this project. Pending IncomingClick to display all RFIs sent via Info Exchange that need to be received. When an RFI or RFI response is logged on Info Exchange, it will show up in this category. DraftClick to display all RFIs that have been logged as a draft and have not been sent. OpenClick to display all open RFIs. Awaiting ActionClick to display RFIs that have been received, but they:
Awaiting ResponseClick to display RFIs that have been sent out with a due date for another contact to review that you have not received back yet. Response OverdueClick to display RFIs that have been assigned with a due back date, but the answers are overdue. OverdueClick to display all project RFIs that have not had a response sent to the RFI author by the due date (the due date was filled in when the RFI was entered). All ClosedClick to display RFIs that have had a response sent to the RFI author and there is no further action required. Filter All ColumnsYou can filter by any text that appears in any of the RFI columns. For example, if you know the subject (or part of the subject) of the RFI that you are searching for (or the ID, status, discipline, etc.), enter at least part of the text in this field. The RFIs list updates automatically as you type. For example, if the RFI you are searching for has the number 30 somewhere in one of the columns, enter 30 in this field. The list will be narrowed down to only RFIs that have the number 30 somewhere in one of the columns. Click to toggle between showing and hiding the column filter fields. ClearClick to clear all filters.
RFI logThe RFI log displays the RFIs for the category selected above. Select an RFI for a list of tasks you can perform, which appear in the Tasks panel. Double-click an RFI to open the Modify RFI dialog box to view and edit the RFI’s information and settings. Overdue RFIs (and actions) are listed in red. You can drag and drop or copy and paste email messages from Microsoft Outlook and files from Windows Explorer into the RFI log to create a new RFI. This also prevents Microsoft Outlook from opening multiple instances of Project Center. ColumnsColumn headers are different for each RFI category. The following list includes all column headers for all RFI categories (open, closed, overdue, etc.). Some categories may not include all columns, and they may not be in the order listed here. If you move and resize columns, they are saved in that position for each category. Column settings are reflected in RFI reports. Right-click on any column header to list and de-list columns. Click the IDThe identification number of the RFI. The RFI ID can contain the RFI’s specification section if it’s configured to do so in the Edit Project Settings dialog box. Sender IDThe number the contractor gave to the RFI. SubjectThe subject of the RFI. StatusThe current status of the RFI. DisciplineAny disciplines applied to the RFI. ReasonsThe reasons for the RFI. ToThe contacts the RFI was sent to. FromThe contact who sent the RFI. ReceivedThe date the recipient received the RFI. Last ActionThe last action taken on the RFI. It displays the action and the purpose or type for that item. For example, if an RFI was received and there was no action required selected for the Action field, the Last Action column would display Received – No Action Required. If you were looking at an entry in the Under Review category that had a Last Action of Received – No Action Required, that indicates that the item needs to be closed using the Close task. ContractThe contract the RFI is related to. Forwarded toThe list of contacts that were sent the RFI to review using the Forward for Review task. Review Due BackThe date the RFI is due back from the contacts reviewing it if it is not yet received. It is based on the oldest Forward for Review date. Due Back FromAny contacts a response to the RFI is due back from. Current ReviewerThe contact currently reviewing the RFI if it is in a sequential workflow. Due DateThe date a response is due back to the contact who sent the RFI. Response DateThe date the response to the RFI author was sent. Total DaysThe number of days to process the RFI. The count starts from the start date, which is either when the item was created or the received date, and ends either now or when it was closed if a closed date was entered. If it is re-opened, it displays the count from when the RFI was created. It’s based on calendar days (not business days) and does not consider holidays in its calculations. Remaining DaysThe number of days remaining until the Due Date. KeywordsAny keywordsIn Project Center, keywords are words you can add to items to use for filtering. When you add keywords, they appear in the Keywords column of the corresponding Project Center activity centers. You can then filter the list of items using the keywords to quickly find the items you are looking for. applied to the RFI. Related ItemsIf the RFI has any related items, the icons appear here. Related Project ItemsThis column is a text version of the icons in the Related Items column. The text will appear in reports. Last ForwardedThe date the RFI was last forwarded to a reviewer. Last ReviewedThe date the most recent reviewer returned the RFI. (The most recent review response date.) Review DaysThe total number of days the RFI has been in the review cycle for all reviewers, from when it was forwarded to when the response was received. It includes the day it was sent and received. The minimum value is 1. Note that the calculation starts 24 hours after the submittal is forwarded. For example: 1/1/16 – received 1/5/16 – forwarded 1/10/16 – response received 1/15/16 – closed In this example, the number of review days is 6. Reopening it does not affect the calculation until the item is forwarded. Internal NotesAny personal notes added to the RFI. These are also added to the Remarks Summary tab. Originated byThe contact asking the question. Supporting DocumentsAny files attached to the RFI. QuestionThe original question that was submitted. AnswerThe answer to the RFI. SuggestionAny suggestions added to the RFI. TypeThe RFI’s type. Closed DateThe date the RFI was closed.
ActionsThe actions drop-down displays a history of the actions taken on the selected RFI, including when it was received, responded to, forwarded, approved, closed, etc. Every action represents a communication between a sender and recipients and is linked to a transmittal, which you can print out. You can undo individual actions to revert the RFI to its prior state. Selecting an action displays tasks you can perform on it, including displaying its transmittal form, modifying the action, or deleting the action. Double-click an action to open the Transmittal form to view the transmittal form for the RFI action. An example of the action history is shown here: TypeThe type of action performed. Each type can have multiple actions, which you can add, as described next. ActionThe action taken. To add new action types, refer to Add an RFI Action. DateThe date of the action. FromWho performed the action. ToThe recipient of the action taken. Due DateThe due date is either the RFI due date or the forward for review due date – depending on the action taken. RemarksAny remarks entered about the action taken. ViaHow the action was sent. To delete a transmittal that is associated with a RFI action, select the RFI, then delete the corresponding RFI action. Actions are listed in red if the RFI is overdue or if a review response is overdue. See Modify Action in the Selected Action panel topic for an explanation of how modifying an action works. You can customize the actions in the Project Center Administration Activity Center Keywords tab. The Files Sent tab contains any electronic files that were included with the selected action. Select a file to display file tasks you can perform, including opening, comparing, sending, and publishing the file.
Remarks Summary tabA summary of the actions that have occurred for the RFI appears here. If the RFI originated from an email message, the contents of the email appears here.
Description of Contents tabA description of the contents of each action in the RFI workflow appears here. This information is used to fill in the Contents section of the Transmittal form. You can edit the contents as you move through the RFI workflow by clicking Modify from the Tasks panel to accurately reflect what is being sent. In each step (action) of the workflow (Forwarded, Review Response, and Responded and Closed), the Description of Contents tab can be filled in for what is sent or received, as shown in the following example. WorkflowThe task that was selected from the Tasks panel (Forwarded – To Answer, Review Response – Answered, etc.). FromThe originator of the action. QtyThe quantity of each item received with the RFI. DateThe dates individual items were received with the RFI. For example, if you have six shop drawings, it may help to track dates for each individual sheet. NumberThe ID number for each item. TitleThe title of each item. RevisionThe revision number, if applicable. ScaleThe drawing scale, if applicable. SizeThe drawing size, if applicable.
File Summary tabThis tab contains any electronic files that were included with the RFI. Select a file to display file tasks you can perform, including opening, comparing, sending, and publishing the file. These files are stored in a compressed .ZIP file that is referenced by the RFI. Each column in this tab is described here. NameThe name of the file. If the file is an email message, Project Center creates the file name with the date, a system generated ID, and the subject of the email. TypeThe file’s type. WorkflowThe workflow step (Forwarded, Review Response, etc.) for the file. SizeThe file’s size. ModifiedThe date the file was last modified. ZIP FolderThe full path to the location of the .ZIP file. Related ItemsAny Project center items related to the file.
Email Log tabThis tab lists all email messages associated with the selected RFI. When you click File as or File in Project (then choose the RFI option) from the legacy Project Center Add-in for Microsoft Outlook Toolbar, the email message appears here. You can copy and paste and drag and drop email messages from Microsoft Outlook and Windows Explorer into this tab. To file a reviewer response, you can drag and drop an email message into this tab, then select the email message and click Log as from the Email Tasks panel and select the Reviewer Response option. Double-click an email message to open it in Microsoft Outlook. From there, you can reply to or forward the message. The number in parentheses indicates the number of email messages filed to the RFI.
Supporting Documents tabUse this tab to attach files to the selected RFI, and to view attached files. For example, if you receive an RFI and a particular drawing is related to it, you can use this tab to attach the drawing file to the RFI. Another example is if you receive a file with an RFI, mark it up, and want to send the marked up file to a reviewer. Also, files sent using the Add to > RFI task from other activity centers are added to this tab. The number in parentheses indicates the number of files that are attached to the RFI. You can copy and paste and drag and drop files from Windows Explorer into this tab.
Preview tabA preview of the selected file appears here. Related Items tabThis tab lists all related Project Center items for the selected file.
Related Items tabThis tab lists all related Project Center items for the selected RFI. Create Related > Action ItemClick to open the Identify an Action Item dialog box to create a new action item and link it to the current RFI. Create Related > Transfer > Via EmailClick to open the Send Files to Email Recipients dialog box to send project files via email. Nothing is logged in this tab. Create Related > Transfer > Via Info ExchangeClick to open the Transfer Files to a Newforma Info Exchange Server dialog box to transfer project files via your Newforma Info Exchange Server and link the transfer to the current RFI. Create Related > Transmittal > Via EmailClick to open the Send Files and Create an Outgoing Transmittal dialog box to send project files via email, file an outgoing transmittal for a file transfer, and link the transfer to the current RFI. Create Related > Transmittal > Via Info ExchangeClick to open the Transfer Files and Create an Outgoing Transmittal dialog box to transfer project files via your Newforma Info Exchange Server, create a new outgoing transmittal for the file transfer, and link the transfer to the current RFI. Create Related > Contract Management > Contract Management ItemClick to open the Create Contract Management Item dialog box for the type of contract management item you selected to create a new item and link it to the current RFI. Create Related > Web LinkClick to open the Create Web Link dialog box to enter a web link and automatically relate it to the selected Project Center item. After it is created, the Relation Type column will indicate Web Link, and users can double-click on it to open the website. Relate to >Click to select an existing project item and establish a relationship between it and the currently selected RFI. This gives you the ability to link two items that are related together. (For example, a markup session that is related to an RFI.) Select Another Project Item to open the Select Project Item dialog box to locate an item that is not in the list. When you create a relationship between two items, each item’s icon is added to the other item’s Related Items column and tab. Click and select Yes to allow the selected web link to be shared with external project team members through Info Exchange. RemoveClick to unlink and remove the selected project item from the Related Items tab. Removing a related item from the Related Items tab does not remove it from the database. The Relation Type column has two icons to indicate the relationship type:
Change Log tabThis tab displays a history of the actions taken on the RFI, including when it was created, modified, who was involved, and any details. |
To access this activity center
Click RFIs from the Activities list or from the Project Home activity center.