Project Center Administration Activity Center Licensing tab

9 minutes
10 months ago

Project Center Administration Activity Center Licensing tab

Use this activity center to manage and configure Project Center and the settings for its users and administrators. This tab lists all Project Center users, and indicates their roles.

This activity center is only available to Project Center administrators. Administrators are listed in this tab. If no administrators are listed, all Project Center users have administrative privileges until the first administrator is added.

Switching tabs does not update the information in this activity center. Click the button to get the latest information.

If no users are listed as administrators, then all Project Center users have administrative privileges. Until the first administrator is added, all users can use the Project Center Administration activity center. As soon as one Project Center administrator is added, the Project Center Administration task in the My Project Center activity center is immediately removed for all other users and becomes available only to the administrator and any other administrators that are subsequently added.

Project Center User Management

Add Project Center User

Click to open the Select Domain User dialog box to select a member of your company’s domain to add as a Project Center user.

Email > Project Center Users

Click to open an email message that will be sent to all users listed in this tab.

Create Report

Click to open the Create Report dialog box to select the type of Project Center users report to create. All users are listed.

Access Newforma Support

Click to open the Newforma support website.

Return to My Project Center

Click to close this activity center and return to the My Project Center activity center.

Selected Project Center User

Modify User

Click to open the Modify User dialog box to apply roles to the selected user.

Modify Filing Options

Click to open the Edit Email Filing Options dialog box to configure how the selected user’s email messages are handled after they are filed in Project Center.

Modify My Projects

Click to open the Edit Projects for dialog box to customize the contents of the My Projects tab of the My Project Center activity center.

Unlink Contact(s)

This task appears only if the selected user has an associated global contact in the Contacts tab.

Click to remove the connection between the selected user and the user’s contact information. The Windows user will no longer be associated with a contact. The relationship between the user and the global contact record is broken so there will no longer be any association between the two. However, the contact’s email address and all other contact information is still in the Contacts tab. See What Happens When a User Logs in for the First Time for more information.

Link to Contact

This task appears only if the selected user does not have an associated global contact in the Contacts tab.

Click to open the Choose a Contact dialog box to select a contact from the global contacts list to link to the selected user. The user will then be associated with that contact and use that contact’s information in Project Center.

Remove Project Center User

Click to remove the selected user from Project Center. The user will no longer be a Project Center user, but will still be listed in the Contacts tab.

Copy Upload File Link

This task appears only if the selected user has been given permissions to the upload file link feature in the Modify User dialog box.

Click to copy the selected user’s upload file link. See Upload File Link in the column on the right for more information.

Send Upload File Link

This task appears only if the selected user has been given permissions to the upload file link feature in the Modify User dialog box.

Click to send the selected users their upload file links. See Upload File Link in the column on the right for more information.

Set as API Service Account > Construction Administration

Changes the selected NPC User to a Newforma API Service Account user with Professional User and Contract Manager roles assigned. All other roles assigned to the NPC User are removed.

Set as API Service Account > ERP

Changes the selected NPC User to a Newforma API Service Account user with Global Administrator, Project Creator, and Content Administrator roles assigned. All other roles assigned to the NPC User are removed.

Set as API Service Account > All

Changes the selected NPC User to a Newforma API Service Account user with Professional User, Contract Manager, Global Administrator, Project Creator, and Content Administrator roles assigned. All other roles assigned to the NPC User are removed.


Project Center Administration

User Administration

Filter All Columns

You can filter by any text that appears in any of the columns. For example, if you know the name (or part of the name) of the user you are searching for, enter at least part of the text in this field. The Items list updates automatically as you type. For example, if the user’s name you are searching for contains the letter m, enter m in this field. The list will be narrowed down to only users whose names contain the letter m.

Click to clear all filters.


Click to toggle between showing and hiding the column filter fields.

> >

Click to group by the any of the columns. For example, if you want to group the list of items by subject, select Name from the drop-down list. The items will be grouped into separate sections alphabetically by name. See Column Sorting, Filtering, and Grouping for more information.


All columns are listed here. Right-click on any column header to list and de-list columns. Click the icons for more filtering options.


Icon indicates whether the user is an NPC User or a Newforma API Service Account.

= NPC User

= API Service Account User

Windows User Name

The Microsoft Windows login name of the Project Center user.


The first and last name of the Project Center user.

Email Address

The email address of the Project Center user.

Professional User

Yes indicates the user has a professional role.

Contract Manager

Yes indicates the user has a Contract Management role.

Financial Manager

Yes indicates the user has a financial manager role.

Project Creator

Yes indicates the user has a project creator role.

Content Administrator

Yes indicates the user has a Content Administrator role, which enables the user to use the Newforma Contact Directory to add and modify companies, contacts, and keyword lists, and to add, modify, and delete form letters. It also enables the user to use the Modify Keyword Lists task in the My Project Center activity center to add and modify Project Center keyword lists.


Yes indicates the user is a Project Center administrator.

Restricted User

Yes indicates the user is a Restricted user.

Home Server

The home Project Center Server of the Project Center user.

Allow Personal Transfers

Yes indicates the user can use Outlook to send personal email messages with large attachments via Info Exchange.

This column shows the URLs created for each user for transferring large files. This URL can be added to users’ email signatures. When the user sends an email message, the recipients can click the link to upload files to the sender. The sender is then notified about the uploaded files and can download them from the email notification or from the View Personal Transfers dialog box.

Personal Transfer Server

The name of the Project Center Server on which files and related information are stored for each user. It is usually the host server (unless the host server was pinned to another server but the personal transfers are pending to be moved to the new server).

Force Email Filing

Yes indicates the user must select a project to file an email to when sending an email from Outlook.

Document Controller

Yes indicates the user has a document controller role.


Yes indicates the user can use Bluebeam Studio to markup files during submittal and RFI reviews.


Add-On Features

This section contains the optional features that work with and enhance Project Center. Mark the checkboxes of the features you want to enable. The selected features apply to all users listed above, not just the selected ones. Be aware that enabling these features may affect your subscription fee.

The following features are disabled by default for new users.

Newforma Contract Management

Mark this checkbox to enable contract management. If this feature is disabled, no contract management activity centers are available in any project.

Newforma Building Information Management

Mark this checkbox to enable Newforma Project Information Link and the Building Models and Elements activity center. If this feature is disabled, Newforma Project Information Link will not be able to connect to any Project Center project.


Save Changes

Click to save your changes.


To switch Project Center servers instantly

Click the icon in the lower left corner of the Project Center Administration activity center to switch the Project Center Server you are connected to. You can also type in the name of a server.  When a new project is opened or created, the server it is on is added to the list.

The home server location is determined by the name of the Project Center Server entered when Project Center was installed. This server is added to the registry. If your home location is not the same as the location of the Project Center Server for another project, it is not switched in the registry.

To add new Project Center users

Click Add Project Center User from the Tasks panel to open the Select Domain User dialog box to select the member of your company you want to add as a user. You can also type in the name in the form of DOMAIN\username. Click Add New from the dialog box to add a new user to Project Center.

To assign users professional, administrative, contract management, and project creator roles

Select the user from the list, then click Modify User from the Tasks panel to open the Modify User dialog box. Assign the user roles as necessary.

The user that was added as an administrator must close and restart Project Center to have administrative privileges. Make sure to notify the user.

You can select multiple users by using the Ctrl or Shift keys, which enables you to modify the roles multiple users at once.


To access this activity center

Click Project Center Administration from the Tasks panel of the My Project Center activity center or from the Activities list, then click the Licensing tab.