Project Center Administration Activity Center Security tab

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1 year ago

Project Center Administration Activity Center Security tab

Use this activity center to create and manage permission sets and password settings for all Newforma Info Exchange activity centers. Permission sets determine which items are displayed for internal and external project team members for each Info Exchange activity center. The permissions configured here apply to all projects on Info Exchange. After configuring permission sets, you can apply them to users. Info Exchange security settings are a global setting and apply to all external users for all projects.

This activity center is only available to Project Center administrators. Administrators are listed in the Licensing tab. If no administrators are listed, all Project Center users have administrative privileges until the first administrator is added.

Switching tabs does not update the information in this activity center. Click the button to get the latest information.

Internal vs. external Info Exchange users

Internal and external users are handled differently on Info Exchange with respect to permission sets. This is how Project Center determines if a user has privileges on a project item:

For an internal user, check the user’s roles; if allowed, also check the permission set.

For an external user, check the permission set only; external users don’t have roles.

Internal and external users are also handled differently on Info Exchange with respect to Info Exchange passwords. The password settings made in this activity center only apply to external users.


The following list shows all available tasks for the Security tab.

Import Permission Sets

Click to open the Select a Spreadsheet dialog box to select the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet containing the permission sets that you want to import into Project Center.

For example, you could use this task to import values that were entered in a spreadsheet to save time instead of manually entering them, as it is generally faster to import values from a spreadsheet.

You can access the sample permission sets spreadsheet template supplied with Project Center in its default location on the Project Center Server: C:\Program Files (x86)\Newforma\Twelfth Edition\Newforma Project Center Server\SQL\data\Permission Sets.xlsx.

Export Selected

Click to open the Save Template dialog box to save the selected permission sets to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet to use as a template

Export Permission Sets

Click to open the Save Template dialog box to save all permission sets to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet to use as a template.

For example, you could export the default settings to a spreadsheet, edit the values in the spreadsheet, then re-import it into a project to save time. You could also export settings to save a record of them prior to making any major changes, so that you could later revert back to the original settings if necessary. Or, if your Project Center Servers cannot replicate with each other due to physical limits, you could use one permission sets template to set up two servers that have identical settings.

Access Newforma Support

Click to open the Newforma support website.

Return to My Project Center

Click to close this activity center and return to the My Project Center activity center.

Project Center Administration

Permission Sets for Project Center Activities

Use this section to add and edit Info Exchange activity center permission sets and settings. As an administrator, you can create permission sets and assign them as the default for internal and external project team members for each activity center for all projects on Info Exchange. You can also apply unique permission sets to individual project team members using the Modify Project Team Member dialog box.


The name of each permission set. Each set contains unique permissions for each activity center. You can edit the permissions in a set by clicking Modify to open the Modify Permission Definitions for Set dialog box.


The description of the permission set.


Click to open the Add Permission Set dialog box to add a new permission set that can be applied to internal or external users. You must then click Modify to configure the permissions for each activity center. After a set is created, you can apply it to internal and external project team members as the default.

Add Similar

Click to open the Add Permission Set dialog box to add a new permission set with the same settings as the one selected that can be applied to internal or external users. You must then click Modify to configure the permissions for each activity center. After a set is created, you can apply it to internal and external project team members as the default.


Click to open the Edit Permission Set dialog box to rename the selected permission set.


Click to remove the selected permission set. You will be prompted before it is removed.

Do not remove the Internal User and External User permission sets. Doing so will result in Project Center Server errors.


Click to open the Modify Permission Definitions for Set dialog box to set the permissions for each activity center.


Default Permission Sets

After you have configured permission sets above, select the permission set from the drop-down list to use to use as the default for internal and external project team members. The lists contains the permission sets from the section above.

Internal Users

Select the default permission set from the drop-down list to apply to internal users.

Even with the Internal User permission set applied, non-licensed Project Center users still cannot see all project email. They can only see email messages on which they are the sender or recipient.

External Users

Select the default permission set from the drop-down list to apply to external users.


Info Exchange Password Settings

Use this section to set the password requirements for external Info Exchange users. Changes made here are reflected in the Info Exchange sign in page.


Mark this checkbox to require external users to periodically reset their passwords. Select the number of days before a password expires in the Days field.

Prohibit Reuse

Mark this checkbox to prevent users from reusing a previous password.

Prohibit reuse lasts for 24 password changes.

Minimum Length

Mark this checkbox to set a minimum required password length. Set the number of characters required in the Characters field.

The default value is 1.

Require Mixed Case

Mark this checkbox to require that passwords contain a mix of capital and lower case characters.

Require Alphanumeric

Mark this checkbox to require that passwords contain a mix of letters and numbers.

Require Special Characters

Mark this checkbox to require that passwords contain special characters: ~`!@#$%^&*()_-+=|\\}]{[:;?/.,’

A blank space qualifies as a special character. Foreign language special characters are not checked.

Prohibit Dictionary Words

Mark this checkbox to prevent users from setting passwords that match dictionary entries.

By default, this option checks passwords against the spell check dictionary.

Prohibit Username Substring

Mark this checkbox to prevent external project team members from setting passwords that contain their usernames or their email addresses.

Enable MFA

Mark this checkbox to enable multi-factor authentication (MFA) for Info Exchange.

The option applies globally to all projects. Note that there may be a slight delay between enabling MFA and the prompt appearing for users.

The option applies to all internal and external users.

A verification code is sent via email to the address used by the user to log in.

MFA Required

Activates when the Enable MFA checkbox is selected. Use to set how often users are prompted

Number of Days. Select to enter a set interval of days between prompts. Use the Days field to set the day value.

Once. User is prompted once to enter a verification code.

Always. User is prompted for a verification code at every login.

Save Changes

Click to save your changes.


To access this activity center

Click Project Center Administration from the Tasks panel of the My Project Center activity center or from the Activities list, then click the Permission Sets tab.