Related Item Tasks panel

3 minutes
8 months ago

Related Item Tasks panel

Use the Related Item Tasks panel to perform various tasks on related Project Center items. This panel appears when you select a related item from the Related Items tab. Each task is described here, in alphabetical order.

Compare to Selected Document Set

Click to compare the selected item to the currently selected document set. The Compare Results window opens with the results.

Edit Web Link

Click to open the Edit Web Link dialog box to edit a web link and automatically relate it to the selected Project Center item.

Info Exchange Transfer > Repost Content to Info Exchange Server

This task only appears if the file transfer expired on Info Exchange, which means that the record copy .ZIP file was deleted on the Info Exchange Server.

Click this task to transfer the record copy .ZIP file back to Info Exchange so external users can access it again.

Join Bluebeam Studio Session

Click to join the selected Bluebeam session.


Click to open the item’s modify dialog box to edit the item.

Modify Shared Folder

Click to open the Modify Shared Folder dialog box to update the document set on Info Exchange.

Open in Bluebeam Studio

Click to open the currently selected Bluebeam session.

Open with Adobe Reader

Click to open the selected item in Adobe Reader.

Open with Newforma Viewer

Click to open the selected markup in the Newforma Viewer.

Open Web Link

Click to open the web link’s site in your browser.

Select in Calendar

Click to open the selected timeline item in the Project Timeline activity center.

Select in Log

Click to open the selected item in its activity center.

Shared Folder > Add or Remove Recipients

Click to open the Modify File Transfer Recipients dialog box to select the project team members to whom you want to give access to file transfers that have been transferred via Info Exchange (or to remove access), and to send them an email notification message regarding the transfer.

Shared Folder > Resend Notification Only

Click to open the Resend File Transfer Notification dialog box to select the recipients to resend an email message containing download instructions to.

Shared Folder > Change Access Level

Click to open the Modify File Transfer Access on Info Exchange dialog box to edit who can access the selected file transfer from Info Exchange.

Shared Folder > Expiration and Reminder Settings

Click to open the Edit Expiration and Reminder Settings dialog box to edit the reminder settings for the selected file transfer from Info Exchange.

Remove from Info Exchange

Click to remove the file transfer from the Info Exchange Server. The information about the file transfer still appears in this activity center and in Info Exchange, but space is saved by removing the actual file transfer file contents. External team members see the transfer information in their log, but can’t download it.

Synchronize Contents

Click to open the Transfer to Info Exchange Options dialog box to edit the settings for the selected published folder, including who can access it, reminder settings, and removal, and then synchronize it to your Newforma Info Exchange Server.

View Form

Click to open the item’s form to view its details and history.