Form Templates Overview

2 minutes
10 months ago

Forms Templates Overview

Form templates are Microsoft Word files that contain both static information and calls to your Project Center database. These templates fill in information in your generated project documents, such as RFIs or submittals, etc.. Project Center also uses the templates to gather and display project information in the account notifications, reminders, transmittals, and file transfer notifications that are created and sent from Project Center and Info Exchange.

Form templates are in Microsoft Word (.DOCX) format and are customizable so that you can make them look the way you want them to for your branding and layout needs. A template style can be just a new company logo, new template folder, or both.  These forms control your outward facing transmittals for Standard Outgoing Transmittals, submittals, RFIs, action items, email notifications, and general views of workflow.  

Using the combination of Microsoft Word’s layout features and the ability to associate Merge fields to call the various fields in Project Center, you can edit/customize most of the Project Center forms right in Microsoft Word. Understanding your company’s workflow processes is essential to understanding which form you want to customize.

Administrators can:

Specify the company logo at install time and change them in the Project Center Administration activity center;

Modify the supplied Microsoft Word templates or create a new Word template;

Specify form template styles in the Notifications/Forms tab under the Servers tab of the Project Center Administration activity center;

Specify a template style for each project.

Form template styles can be used for multiple projects. Project Center ships with a set of default templates, and those templates need to exist in the default template style. Form templates are stored on the Project Center Server machine in \Newforma\Templates\Twelfth Edition.