Transfer Files to a Drag and Drop Location and Record an Outgoing Transmittal

4 minutes
1 year ago

Transfer Files to a Drag and Drop Location and Record an Outgoing Transmittal

Perform the following steps to transfer project files to a drag and drop location and record an outgoing transmittal for the file transfer. You must be a member of the internal project team to perform this procedure.

A drag and drop location is any location that supports drag and drop functionality. It can be an FTP site, a website, an application, a mapped network drive, etc. Use the Drag Drop Transfer Method dialog box to add drag and drop transfer methods.

To transfer files and create a transmittal

If you are not already there, open the Project Files activity center by clicking Project Files from the Project Home activity center or from the Activities list.

Select the files you want to transfer, then click Drag and drop method from the File Tasks panel to open the Transfer Files and Create an Outgoing Transmittal dialog box.

The Drag and drop method is the name given to the transfer method created in the Drag Drop Transfer Method dialog box. There can be multiple drag and drop methods listed in the File Tasks panel, depending on how many are defined for the project.

Click To to open the Choose a Project Team Member dialog box to choose the project team members you want to send a notifying email message to regarding the file transfer.

Enter a subject for the file transfer in the Subject field.

Project Center enters the current user in the From field, and a number in the Transmittal ID field. You can edit these fields.

Select the reason for the transfer from the Purpose drop-down list.

The drag and drop method is listed in the Send Via field.

Enter a detailed message in the Remarks tab.

In the Description of Contents tab, enter the quantity, date, and description of what is included in the file transfer. This information is used to fill in the Contents section of the Transmittal form.

To add more files, click the Associated Files tab, then click the  icon to open the Add Files dialog box. Navigate through the folders until you locate the file, then click Open. Repeat as necessary until you have added all the necessary files.

Choose an option from the External References drop-down list if you want to include externally referenced filesDrawing files often reference other files, including other drawings, as well as plot styles, images, standards, and font files associated with the drawing. Those references, or dependencies, are simply an embedded record of the path to the referenced objects or files. in the file transfer.

The Save Record Copy in field contains a default location in which a record copy of the file transfer will be saved. You can change the location by clicking the icon.

Click Create and Transfer. The following events occur:

The drag and drop location opens, as if you ran it from the Start menu.

The Drag and Drop to Project File Transfer Site dialog box opens, which contains the files and the transmittal.

If you click Save a Draft, the file transfer is created but not sent. The transmittal will appear in the All Drafts log of the Project Transmittals activity center, but will not be accessible until it is sent. When you send it at a later time, the process described above occurs.

Drag and drop the icon that is in the Drag and Drop to Project File Transfer Site dialog box to the drag and drop location that opened.

Click Close. Mark the Send Email Notification checkbox to send an email message opens containing the files and the transmittal, which you can send to the recipients. The transmittal appears in the All Sent log of the Project Transmittals activity center.

Edit and send the email message to the recipients to notify them about the file transfer.