Create Shared Folder dialog box

8 minutes
10 months ago

Create Shared Folder dialog box

Use this dialog box to publish a project folder or document set and some or all of its files to your Newforma Info Exchange Server to share them with internal and external project team members, and to allow the project team members to edit the contents directly from the Info Exchange website.

Recipients and Folder Name


Click to open the Choose a Project Team Member dialog box to select who to send the files to. You can also type email addresses directly in this field.


Click to open the Choose a Project Team Member dialog box to select who else to send the files to. You can also type email addresses directly in this field.


Enter a name for the file transfer.

Remarks tab

Enter a detailed message about the file transfer in this field.


Publish Options tab

Files to Publish

Select one of the following:

Select Choose Specific Files to select which files in the folder to publish to Info Exchange. If you choose this option, the Summary of Included Files and References dialog box will open after you click OK.

Select All Files in the Selected Folder to publish all of the files in the folder to Info Exchange.

All Files in the Selected Folder is the default.

External References

Select one of the following options to include any externally referenced filesDrawing files often reference other files, including other drawings, as well as plot styles, images, standards, and font files associated with the drawing. Those references, or dependencies, are simply an embedded record of the path to the referenced objects or files. when transferring the files:

Do Not Include External References

Select this option to leave out all externally referenced files.

Only Include Externally Referenced Drawing and Image Files

Select this option to include only externally referenced drawing and image files. When you transfer the files, the Summary of Included Files and References dialog box opens, listing both XREFs that were found and XREFs that could not be found. You can then locate them manually.

Include All Externally Referenced Drawing, Image, and Support Files

Select this option to include all externally referenced drawing and image files, as well as plot support files required by the AutoCAD files so that they have 100% plot fidelity. These include .CTB, .SHX, .PC3, and .TTF files (True Type fonts). When you transfer the files, the Summary of Included Files and References dialog box opens, listing both XREFs that were found and XREFs that could not be found. You can then locate them manually.

Record Copy Folder

When you create a file transfer, a record copy of the transfer is saved in this location as a .ZIP file. You can enter a new location.

Manual Publish Options

Save a Record Copy of the Published Files

Mark this checkbox to create and save a new record copy of the published files when the folder is first shared, and every time the shared folder is manually synced. If this checkbox is cleared, only the times and sizes of the most recently published files are stored.

To save a record copy every time the folder is automatically synced, mark the Save a Record Copy of the Published Files checkbox in the Create Scheduled Task dialog box.

Notify Each Recipient

Mark this checkbox to send an email notification about the transfer to each recipient.


Upload Options tab

Allow Info Exchange Users to Upload Files

Mark this checkbox to allow Info Exchange users to upload files to this folder using Info Exchange. If cleared, users on the Info Exchange web site cannot upload their own files to the folder.

Allow Access to Files Uploaded by Other Companies Immediately

Mark this checkbox to allow all recipients (including CC members) of the shared folder to be recipients on subsequent uploads to the folder from both internal and external project team members. Each recipient will receive a notification that an upload has been made and will have immediate access to the upload on Info Exchange (We recommend users upload files using the Tasks>Upload Files option to ensure CC members get the update notification). If cleared, files uploaded to Info Exchange will not be visible to anyone except the internal Project Center publisher of the shared folder. The internal publisher will then have to receive the uploaded files, extract them to the project folder, and republish. At that time external users would be notified that new files are available. Choose one of the following options:

Choose Allow Access to Uploaded Files but do not Synchronize with Published Shared Folder to allow the user who is uploading files to include all recipients on the uploaded transfer so that they are notified that files are being uploaded and can access them through the uploaded file transfer. However, the files will not be integrated into the shared folder until the internal Project Center sender receives them, extracts them to the project folder, and republishes them to Info Exchange.

Choose Automatically Synchronize Uploaded Files into Published Shared Folder to make files uploaded to the Info Exchange website immediately available in the published folder on Info Exchange. An internal Project Center user will still need to receive them and extract them to the published folder (unless the next option below is checked), but other external users will have immediate access to them.

Automatically Synchronize Files Uploaded Via Info Exchange into the Associated Project Folder

This checkbox is only available if the Automatically Download Incoming Transfers option is selected in the Info Exchange tab of the Edit Project Settings dialog box. Mark this checkbox to have the Project Center Server automatically extract files that are uploaded to Info Exchange to the project folder after they are received.

This checkbox is only available if the Automatically Download Incoming Transfers option is selected in the Info Exchange tab of the Edit Project Settings dialog box.

Both the Automatically Synchronize Uploaded Files into Published Shared Folder option and the Automatically Synchronize Files Uploaded Via Info Exchange into the Associated Project Folder option must be selected to allow Info Exchange users to create and rename subfolders.

Synchronization Schedule tab

Use this tab to schedule the publishing of shared folders. You can create a single task or recurring tasks. When you schedule a shared folder, you create a related scheduled task. Scheduled tasks are a type of timeline item that appear and can be edited in the Project Timeline activity center’s Calendar and Journal views. Depending on the project settings, you may be required to enter your Windows user name and password In order for a scheduled task to run. The task will run with the credentials provided. This is important so that file and directory permissions are honored.

Synchronize at the Following Times:

This list contains the scheduled times for synchronizing (publishing) the folder to Info Exchange.

New Time

Click the drop-down arrow to select one of the following options:

  • Four Times a Day. Selecting this option automatically schedules synchronization tasks every day at 10:00 AM, 1:00 PM, 3:00 PM and 6:00 PM.

  • Twice a Day. Selecting this option automatically schedules synchronization tasks every day at 1:00 PM and 6:00 PM.

  • Daily. Selecting this option automatically schedules a synchronization task every day at 6:00 PM.

Alternately, you can click the New Time button to open the Create Scheduled Task dialog box to schedule a new time (single or recurring) to synchronize (update) a published shared folder.


Click to open the Modify Scheduled Task dialog box to modify the selected synchronization task.


Click to delete the selected synchronization task.


Enter your Windows user name and password.

Update credentials for all my scheduled syncs

Select this option to update credentials for all shared folder synchronizations to use the currently entered user name and password.

The credentials are updated for all shared folder synchronizations on the same Project Center server. If you have created shared folders on multiple Project Center servers, you must update the synchronization schedule credentials for each server separately.

Options tab

Use this tab to edit the settings for the Info Exchange transfer options. This tab only appears when Next Action > Synchronize Contents is selected at the bottom of the dialog box.

Click to spell check the fields in this dialog box. If any mistakes are found, the Spelling Check dialog box opens with spelling suggestions.

Next Action

Mark this checkbox and select Synchronize Contents to synchronize the contents of the published folder.


Click to open the Transfer to Info Exchange Options dialog box to edit the settings for the file transfer, including who can access it and reminder settings, and transfer it to your Newforma Info Exchange Server. The file transfer is logged in the All Outgoing log of the Info Exchange activity center.


To access this dialog box

You can access this dialog box in the following ways: