Create the Next Site Visit in a Series

2 minutes
9 months ago

Create the Next Site Visit in a Series

This topic explains how to log the next site visit in a series. When you repeat a site visit, using this feature saves you from having to re-enter all of the information from the previous visit. Most of the information from the previous site visit is copied to the new one.

To create the next site visit in a series

If you are not already there, open the Site Visits activity center by clicking Site Visits from the Activities list or the Project Home activity center.

Select the site visit for which you want to create the next in series from the log.

From the Tasks panel, click Create Next Site Visit in Series to open the Create Site Visit dialog box, as shown here:

The new site visit will contain all of the information from the original site visit except for Created By, Walkthrough dates, and Visit ID, which will be incremented by 1.

Edit the information as necessary to reflect any changes for the new site visit. Refer to the Log a Site Visit topic for more information.

Click OK when finished to create the new site visit and log it in the Site Visits activity center.