Submittal page
Submittal page
This page shows the details of the submittal you selected from the Submittals log.
This page is only available to Project Center (internal) users.
The subject of the submittal.
Originated By
The team member who created the submittal. Select the link to open the Contact Information dialog box.
Due Date
When a response to the submittal is due.
Need Onsite By
The date that the submittal materials are needed at the site.
Lead Time
The amount of time that it will take to get the materials from the manufacturer.
The submittal’s status.
Expected Date
The date the submittal is expected.
The ID number of the submittal.
Sender ID
The number the contractor gave to the submittal.
Package ID
The ID number of the submittal package. The package ID provides the ability to identify submittals that are entered into Project Center individually for tracking purposes, but have been sent (or received) under one identifying ID. By entering the package ID, you can easily sort the submittal log to view the status of the submittals that were sent in the package.
Spec Section
The submittal’s specification section.
The disciplines applied to the submittal.
Page Tools
The following tools are available in the Submittal page toolbar.
Select to return to the Submittals log.
View Form
Select to open a printable version of this page.
To access this page
Select the subject of a submittal from the Submittals log.
If submittals are not available to you, see Make a Project Center Project and Its Activity Centers Available on Info Exchange.