Send Submittal Response page

1 minute
10 months ago

Send Submittal Response page  

Use this page to send a Submittal response via Info Exchange.

Send Submittal Response

Submittal ID

The ID number of the submittal.


The subject of the submittal response. By default, the submittal subject is filled in, but you can edit the field as needed.


The recipient of the response. By default, the sender of the action item is selected, but you can select other recipients as needed. Select the drop-down arrow to open the Select Project Team Members as Recipients dialog box.


Any additional recipients of the response. Select the drop-down arrow to open the Select Project Team Members as Recipients dialog box.


The action taken on the submittal. Select the drop-down arrow to select an action.


Enter your response to the submittal.

Send Response

Select to send the submittal response and return to the My Submittal Actions log.


To access this page

Select Send Response from the Workflow tab in a submittal action that has been assigned to you.

Select Respond from the My Submittal Actions log.

If submittals are not available to you, see Make a Project Center Project and Its Activity Centers Available on Info Exchange.