Export PDF Options

2 minutes
9 months ago

Export PDF Options Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to set the options for exporting a markup to a .PDF file for later offline processing and sharing.


The name of the PDF file created from the export process.

Output Options


Mark this checkbox to create a raster-based .PDF file instead of a vector-based .PDF file. A raster-based PDF is similar to taking a screen capture and saving it as a .PDF. This option is available for printers that don’t support transparency. If the Rasterize option is checked when publishing to a .PDF file, a raster-based .PDF is created with the DPI set to the value set in the registry. To prevent excessively large raster images from being created (when a large paper size, such as 36” x 48” is selected), the size of the raster image is limited to 4 million pixels (2000 x 2000). This maximum value is set in the registry.

Flatten Markups

Mark this checkbox to combine the markups and drawing into a single layer in the resulting .PDF. If the checkbox is cleared, the markups are written to a separate annotation layer, which enables the Newforma Web Viewer to add some data to the markup, including who created it and when.


To access this dialog box

From the Newforma Web Viewer, select  from the markup toolbar.