Add Location dialog box

1 minute
1 year ago

  Add Location dialog box

Use this dialog box to create additional locations for companies in the Companies log.


Enter the name of the new location.



Use this section to enter the mailing address details for the location.


Select the location’s country from the drop-down list.


Enter the location’s mailing address.

If you enter the entire mailing address using commas as delimiters in the Address field, click Extract Address into City, State and Postal Code to parse the information into the appropriate fields. For example, entering 123 Main Street, Manchester, NH 03322 and selecting the extract address option will automatically populate the City as Manchester, the State/Province as NH, and the ZIP/Postal code as 03322.


The location’s city.


Select the location’s state/province from the drop-down list.

ZIP/Postal Code

Enter the location’s zip code.

Address Type

Select the address type from the drop-down list. Options include Mailing, Office and Job Site.




The main phone number for the location.


The main fax number for the location.



To access this dialog box

Click Add Location on the Locations tab in the Add Company dialog box.