Daily Reports Log

4 minutes
11 months ago

Daily Reports Log

This page lists the daily reports that are logged in the current Project Center project. Select the Report Date of a daily report to view its details in the Daily Report page. External and internal (Project Center) users see the same information unless otherwise noted.

Your ability to view all daily reports depends on your permission set assignment.

Daily Reports

Use the Daily Reports drop-down list to filter the list of daily reports by category. The categories are as follows:

My Daily Reports

This category lists all daily reports that were created by you or on which you are a recipient.

My Final Daily Reports

This category lists all closed daily reports that were created by you or are assigned to you.

My Draft Daily Reports

This category lists all draft daily reports that were created by you or are assigned to you.

My This Week’s Daily Reports

This category lists all daily reports from the last seven days that were created by you or are assigned to you.

My This Month’s Daily Reports

This category lists all daily reports from the last thirty days that were created by you or are assigned to you.


Categories available to Project Center users

In addition to the categories listed above, Project Center users (internal users) can see the following:

All Daily Reports

This category displays all the daily reports that have been entered for this project.

All Final Daily Reports

This category displays all finalized daily reports.

All Draft Daily Reports

This category lists all open daily reports. When daily reports are created, the status is set to Draft by default.

This Week’s Daily Reports

This category lists all daily reports from the last seven days.

This Month’s Daily Reports

This category lists all daily reports from the last thirty days.



Select  to modify the daily report.


The ID number of the daily report.

Report Date

The date of the daily report.


The day of the week for which the report was created.


There are two options for the status: Draft or Final. The Draft status is assigned by default to new daily reports. Change the status to Final to close the item.

Created By

The creator of the daily report. You cannot change this value.

Total Sub

This field tracks the total number of subcontractors that were on the jobsite at the time of the report.

Total Internal

This field tracks the total number of internal project team members that were on the jobsite at the time of the report.

Total Visitor

This field tracks the total number of visitors that were on the jobsite at the time of the report.

Total Equipment

This field tracks the total number of pieces of equipment that were on the jobsite at the time of the report.


Use keywords in your projects to add new logical groupings to project items. Like the other columns, you can then apply filters on this column to restrict the list of daily reports that display.



Select to view a list of additional actions that you can take on the daily report.

Additional fields

The following fields can be added to the Daily Reports log by selecting the Show/Hide Columns button to access the Field Chooser.


The contacts who appear in the CC field for the daily report.

Precipitation Total

Daily total precipitation amount entered for the daily report.


The contacts the daily report was distributed to.


Log Page Tools

The following tools are available in the Daily Reports log toolbar. For more information, refer to Log Page Tools.

Add Daily Report

Select to open the Add Daily Report page to create a new daily report.


To access this page

Select View > Field Management > Daily Reports from the Toolbar.

If daily reports are not available to you, see Make a Project Center Project and Its Activity Centers Available on Info Exchange.