Search Results window

10 minutes
10 months ago

Search Results window

This window displays all project files and Project Center items that contain the text typed in the Search field. All results appear in the Results list.

Use the Search feature to search for text in any of the following:

Markups are included in searches, but the Newforma Viewer also has its own separate Find feature.

The following list shows all available tasks. The tasks that appear depend on what you select in this window.

Stop Search

Click to stop the search.

Search Results

Create a Report

Click to open the Create Report dialog box to select the type of search results report to create.

Selected Result

View Form

Click to open the item’s corresponding form to view the history of the selected item.

Select in Log

Click to go to the selected Project Center item in its corresponding activity center.

Search the Results

Click to perform another search, but just on the files in the list of results. Enter the text in the field provided. You can continue searching on the results as many times as necessary. Each search text string will be added to the previous text strings, so that the results must include all text strings entered.

Select in Project Files

Click to go to the selected file in the Project Files activity center.

Select in Project Images

Click to locate and preview the image file in the Project Images activity center.

Open in Newforma Viewer

Click to open the selected markup session in the Newforma Viewer.

Open Action Item

Click to open the selected action item in the Modify Action Item dialog box.

Select in Calendar

Click to open the selected meeting in the Project Timeline activity center.

See File Tasks panel.

The following additional file tasks are available from this window:

Explorer Tasks > Copy

Click to open the Select Destination Folder dialog box to copy the file to the clipboard, which you can paste to another location in the Windows file system.

Explorer Tasks > Move

Click to open the Move to dialog box to move the file to another location in the Windows file system.

Explorer Tasks > Delete

Click to permanently delete the file from the Windows file system.

If you searched multiple projects, only the Open with…, Add to, and Identify a New Action Item tasks will be available for files outside of the currently open project.

See Email Tasks panel.

Search Results

Filter By

You can narrow the search results by applying filters. For example, if you know the text you want to find is in an action item, you can select Project Items from the drop-down list. If you know the text is in a submittal, you can select the same filter. Simply select the filter you want to use. The files and items that no longer apply are removed from the list. The columns that appear depend on which file or item type is selected.

Filter All Columns

You can filter by any text that appears in any of the columns in the log. For example, if you know the name (or part of the name) of the file that you are searching for (or its type, size, date, etc.), enter at least part of the text in this field. The results list updates automatically as you type. For example, if the file you are searching for has the number 30 somewhere in one of the columns, enter 30 in this field. The list will be narrowed down to only submittals that have the number 30 somewhere in one of the columns.

Click to toggle between showing and hiding the column filter fields.


Click to clear all filters. You can click the button to return to the filtered list.

Group by

Click to group by the any of the columns. For example, if you want to group the list of files by name, select Name from the drop-down list. The files will be grouped into separate sections alphabetically by name. See Column Sorting, Filtering, and Grouping for more information.


  • You can filter the list of results per column by entering text or clicking in any column heading filter field.

  • Click a column header to sort the Results list based on that column.

  • Right-click on any column header to list and de-list columns. All columns are listed below. Click the icons for more filtering options.


The name of the project item or file.


The item or file’s type.


The identifying number of the item.

This column lists any Project Center items related to the file or item.

If you filter this column by Document Sets, be aware that only files that were added to document sets directly (not as part of a folder) will appear in the list of results. Files that are in folders that were added to document sets will not be listed.

Is Match Hidden?

This column indicates whether the search process found hidden text in any .DWG files. When hidden text is found in a .DWG file, the filename is followed by [hidden text match] indicating that there is a hidden match. Hidden text matches occur when there is no match on the rendered .DWG’s active layout, but there is a match in another layout, in metadata, in drawing property data, or in a non-visible layer. Be aware that the Project Center Server occasionally produces false positive hidden text matches if the indexing status of the .DWG file and the rendered active layout are out of sync. When the Project Center Server re-syncs the indexing and rendering of the .DWG file, the results will be correct.


The project the item or file belongs to.


The full path to the folder in which the file is located (project items do not have paths, as they are stored in the database).


The size of the file in KB (project items do not have sizes, as they are stored in the database)

Date Modified

The date the file or item was last modified.


Any keywordsIn Project Center, keywords are words you can add to items to use for filtering. When you add keywords, they appear in the Keywords column of the corresponding Project Center activity centers. You can then filter the list of items using the keywords to quickly find the items you are looking for. applied to the file or item.

If you choose Email from the Filter by drop-down list, the columns change to include filtering by message Importance, Type, Has Attachments, Subject, From, To, CC, Sent, Filed, and Attachments. This enables you to filter the list by attachment names within the email message file. For example, a name in parentheses following the email message file in the Results list indicates that the text you searched for is in that attachment within the email message file. You can search by the attachment names in parentheses.



All files and items that meet the search and filter criteria appear in this list. When you find the file or item you want, you can select it from this list, and a thumbnail of the file or item appears in the Preview tab (if the file type is supported). For example, if you’re looking for a .DWG file, you can filter on that file type, select the file from the Results list when you find it, and view a thumbnail of it in the Preview tab.

Double-click on the file to launch it in the appropriate application.

If the item was created in Project Center, the corresponding form opens when you double-click the item.

If the file was created by another registered application installed on the system, the file launches in that application.

Double-clicking on a .DWG, .DXF, or .DGN file opens it in the Newforma Viewer with links to the text you searched for.

You can fully search .ZIP files, including all files included in the .ZIP file, and attachments within those files. Double-clicking on a .ZIP file or an email message (.MSG) file opens that file only, not the file or attachment within containing the match.

You can copy, move, and delete files. These operations work the same as they do in Windows Explorer. For example, if you delete a file from the list, the file is permanently deleted from the file system. The change will be reflected in Windows Explorer. (You can use the Select in Explorer task to verify the action.) To perform these operations, right-click on a file, then choose Explorer Tasks > Copy, Move, or Delete. You can copy files to the clipboard by pressing Ctrl-C.

You can configure other supported file types to open in the Newforma Viewer when you double-click on them. For example, if you want .BMP files to open in the Newforma Viewer instead of the default Windows application, perform the steps in Configure Files to Open in the Newforma Viewer When Double-Clicking on Them.

You can copy files from the results list by dragging and dropping them to another location.

Search does not recognize punctuation marks or the following special characters: ! @ # % ^ & * ?

When searching the contents of files, search ignores the words in the following list: The words in that list will be still be found in filenames.

If drawing files in the results list have external referencesDrawing files often reference other files, including other drawings, as well as plot styles, images, standards, and font files associated with the drawing. Those references, or dependencies, are simply an embedded record of the path to the referenced objects or files., a task called Find > External References appears in the File Tasks panel. Click it to open the External Reference Details dialog box. For information on how search handles external references, see Search Overview.


Preview tab

If available, a preview (or text) of the selected file or project item appears in this tab.

  • Search results are highlighted.

  • Email message attachments that contain the searched text in their titles are highlighted.


This tab lists any related Project Center items for the file selected from the Results list.

The Relation Type column  has two icons to indicate the relationship type:

The icon indicates that the relationship was created by a user and can be deleted (such as an action item related to an RFI).

The icon indicates that the relationship was created by Project Center and cannot be deleted (such as a transmittal or record copy related to a submittal).



To access this window

You can access this window in the following ways: