Project Markup Sessions activity center

10 minutes
9 months ago

Project Markup Sessions Activity Center

This activity center lists, previews, and displays information about all markup sessions in the current project. The top section lists all markupWhen you use pan and zoom to navigate around a drawing, you can save the current location as a markup. You can manage markups in the Views tab of the Drawing Explorer dialog box and in the Markups panel of the Newforma Viewer. sessions in the current project, and the bottom section displays tabs containing a preview of the selected markup session, remarks about the markup session, a summary of the markups for the selected markup session, the history of the selected markup session, email messages liked to the markup session, and related items.

For related information, see the Related Markup Sessions activity center topic.

Markup Sessions

Search for Markups

Click to search for all .DWF and .PDF files that contain markup information authored in their native applications (it won’t return markups added in the Newforma Viewer). The Search Results window opens with the results.

Create a Report

Click to open the Create a Report dialog box to select the type of markup session report to create.

Selected Markup Session

Open in Newforma Viewer

Click to open the selected markup session in the Newforma Viewer to view it or to create a new markup.

Modify Properties

Click to open the Modify Markup Session Properties dialog box to edit the properties of a markup session.

Review Related Markup Session

This task is available only when you select an item that has related markup sessions.

Click to open the Related Markup Sessions activity center to view information about and preview the related markup sessions.

Related Items >

See the Related Items Tasks topic for information.

Send Email

Click to open an email message containing a link that opens Project Center to the markup session in this activity center. The recipient must be a Project Center user.


Click to open the Publish Files dialog box to print or create a .PDF of the selected markup session.


Click to delete the selected markup session.

Add Comments

Click to open the Markup View Properties dialog box to view the properties of the selected markup and add comments to it, which be added to the Markup Details and History section of the Markup Status Summary tab, as well as the comment field under the Markups panel in the Newforma Viewer.

Set My Status

Click to change the status of the markup selected from the Markup Status Summary tab.

See File Tasks panel.

See Email Tasks panel.

See Related Item Tasks panel.

Project Markup Sessions

The following examples explain each section of this activity center. Refer to the descriptions at the bottom of this topic for more detailed information.

Example with Preview tab selected

Example with Markup Status Summary tab selected

The following example shows how this activity center is related to the Newforma Viewer, shown below it.

Corresponding areas of the Newforma Viewer

The following example shows the markup session selected above in the Newforma Viewer (which is accessed by clicking Open in Newforma Viewer form the Tasks panel.

Markup Sessions drop-down list

  • Select All Markup Sessions to list all markup sessions. You can then select a markup session to view a preview of it as well as any individual markups that exist for it.

  • Select All Open Markup Sessions to list all open markup sessions.

  • Select All Closed Markup Sessions to list all closed markup sessions.

  • Select My Markup Sessions to list all markup sessions created by you.

  • Select My Open Markup Sessions to list markups that were created by you and are open.

  • Select My Closed Markup Sessions to list markups that were created by you and are closed.

Filter All Columns

You can filter by any text that appears in any of the Items columns in this section. For example, if you know the name (or part of the name) of the markup session that you are searching for (or the status, date modified, etc.), enter at least part of the text in this field. The Items list updates automatically as you type. For example, if the markup session you are searching for has the number 30 somewhere in one of the columns, enter 30 in this field. The list will be narrowed down to only markup sessions that have the number 30 somewhere in one of the columns.

Click to toggle between showing and hiding the column filter fields.


Click to clear all filters.

Group By

Click to group by the any of the columns. For example, if you want to group the list of markup sessions by name, select Name from the drop-down list. The markup sessions will be grouped into sections alphabetically by name. See Column Sorting, Filtering, and Grouping for more information.


All columns are listed here. Right-click on any column header to list or de-list columns. Click the icons for more filtering options.


The name of the markup session.


The status of the markup session (Open or Closed).

Markup Application

The application in which the markup was created.


The file that was marked up. If the source is a screen capture, the row is blank.

Team Members

The project team members involved with the markup session.


Any keywordsIn Project Center, keywords are words you can add to items to use for filtering. When you add keywords, they appear in the Keywords column of the corresponding Project Center activity centers. You can then filter the list of items using the keywords to quickly find the items you are looking for. applied to the markup session.

If the markup session has any related items, the icons appear here.

This column is a text version of the icons in the Related Items column. The text will appear in reports.

Last Modified By

The team member who last modified the markup session.

Date Modified

The date the markup session was last modified.

Created By

The team member who created the markup session.

Date Created

The date the markup session was created.

Preview tab

A preview of the selected markup session appears here.


Remarks tab

Any additional remarks about the markup session appear here.


Markup Status Summary tab

The Markup Views (top) section of this tab lists the individual markups that have been created for the selected markup session. When a markup is selected from the list, the details and history of the markup appear in the Markup Details and History section (the lower left section), and a  preview of the markup appears in the lower right section.

If you selected a markup session that was created from a .PDF or .DWF file in an application other than the Newforma Viewer, this tab lists the information from the registered application that you used to mark up the file. For the markup session to be listed here, you must select the .PDF or .DWF in the Project Files activity center, then click Track in Markup Session Log from the File Tasks panel.


Change Log tab

This tab lists the dates and project team members who created, modified, and closed the markup session.


Email Log tab

This tab lists all email messages associated with the selected markup session. Users can drag and drop email messages from Microsoft Outlook and Windows Explorer into this log.

Double-click an email message to open it in Microsoft Outlook or the Project Center Email Viewer. From there, you can reply to or forward the message.

The number in parentheses indicates the number of email messages linked to the markup session.


Click to open the Add Email Messages dialog box to select an email message to add to the current markup session.


Click to remove the selected email message from the markup session.


This tab lists all related Project Center items for the selected markup session.

Click to open the Identify an Action Item dialog box to create a new action item and link it to the current markup session.

Click to open the Send Files to Email Recipients dialog box to send project files via email. Nothing is logged in this tab.

Click to open the Transfer Files to a Newforma Info Exchange Server dialog box to transfer project files via your Newforma Info Exchange Server and link the transfer to the current markup session.

Click to open the Send Files and Create an Outgoing Transmittal dialog box to send project files via email, file an outgoing transmittal for a file transfer, and link the transfer to the current markup session.

Click to open the Transfer Files and Create an Outgoing Transmittal dialog box to transfer project files via your Newforma Info Exchange Server, create a new outgoing transmittal for the file transfer, and link the transfer to the current markup session.

Click to open the Create Contract Management Item dialog box for the type of contract management item you selected to create a new CM item and link it to the current markup session.

Click to open the Create Web Link dialog box to enter a web link and automatically relate it to the selected Project Center item. After it is created, the Relation Type column will indicate Web Link, and users can double-click on it to open the website.

Relate to >

Click to select an existing project item and establish a relationship between it and the currently selected markup session. This gives you the ability to link two items that are related together. (For example, an action item that is related to a markup session.) Select Another Project Item to open the Select Project Item dialog box to locate an item that is not in the list. When you create a relationship between two items, each item’s icon is added to the other item’s Related Items column and tab.

Share with External

Click and select Yes to allow the selected web link to be shared with external project team members through Info Exchange.


Click to unlink and remove the selected project item from the Related Items tab.

Removing a related item from the Related Items tab does not remove it from the database.

The Relation Type column  has two icons to indicate the relationship type:

The icon indicates that the relationship was created by a user and can be deleted (such as an action item related to a markup session).

The icon indicates that the relationship was created by Project Center and cannot be deleted (such as a transmittal or record copy related to a markup session).


To access this activity center

Click Markup Sessions from the Activities list or from the Project Home activity center.