Forward Construction Change Directive for Review dialog box

9 minutes
1 year ago

Forward Construction Change Directive for Review dialog box

Use this dialog box to forward an existing construction change directive to other contacts to review, and create a new outgoing transmittal for the construction change directive. You can also forward the files included with the construction change directive electronically via email or Info Exchange.


Click to open the Choose Project Team Members dialog box to select who to forward the construction change directive to. You can also type email addresses directly in this field.


Click to open the Select Project Team Members dialog box to select who else to forward the construction change directive to. You can also type email addresses directly in this field.

Contacts in the CC field will receive a link to download the files, but will not be sent reminders.


Click to open the Choose a Project Team Member dialog box to select the project team member who is forwarding the construction change directive. You can also type email addresses directly in this field.


The subject of the original construction change directive. You can edit it.


Select the purpose of the construction change directive from the drop-down list.


The date the construction change directive is being forwarded. You can edit the date.

Send Via

Select the construction change directive’s transfer method from the drop-down list.

If you choose an electronic transfer method (Info Exchange or a drag and drop method) you will be required to add files before you can file the transmittal.

Log in Document Control

When a file has been added to the this item through the Associated Files/Files to Send tabs using Include Files From > Record Documents, marking this checkbox will log the file’s record document as Issued in the Document Control activity center (the revision’s Revision State changes from Draft to Issued) and the Last Issued date is logged.

Transmittal ID

The ID for the transmittal linked to this construction change directive.

Construction Change Directive ID

The construction change directive’s ID number.

Hide Recipient List

For Info Exchange transfers only: Mark this checkbox if you want to hide the list of recipients, which allows you to send bid documents to multiple bidders without the bidders being able to identify the other recipients. If this option is not checked, then the email notifications and transmittals will contain the To: and CC: contacts.

Due Back

Mark the checkbox and select the date the construction change directive is due back from the reviewers. The date field behaves as follows:

  • The default due back date is seven days after the original construction change directive’s received date.

  • If you change the due back date, Project Center calculates the number of days from the construction change directive’s received date to the new due back date, saves this calculation and applies it to future construction change directives that are forwarded.

  • If the original construction change directive’s due back date is prior to the due back date calculated here, then the due back date defaults to the original construction change directive’s due back date.


Mark the checkbox to add this item to the email notification message sent out by Project Center reminding you to respond back to the contact who sent the construction change directive. Select the number of business days before a response is due, which appears in the email message and in the Open Items tab of the My Project Center activity center.

Reminders can be sent to both internal and external project team members. The frequency at which reminders are sent is set in the General tab of the Project Center Administration activity center Servers tab. Reminders can disabled per project in the Edit Project Settings dialog box.

Remind is not available if the option is disabled for the project or in the Project Center Administration activity center.

Remarks tab

Enter a detailed message in this field. Any remarks from the original construction change directive are automatically included in this tab.


Construction Change Directive Summary tab

Information about the original construction change directive appears here. This tab is not editable.


Files to Send tab

Add any electronic files to send with the construction change directive.

Add Files

Click to open the Add Files dialog box to locate and attach files to the construction change directive.

Add Folder

Click to open the Select Folder dialog box to add a folder and all of its contents to the construction change directive.

Include Files from > Record Documents

Click to open the Select Record Documents dialog box to select a record document to include with the construction change directive.

Include Files from > Related Items

Click and choose a related item to open the Transfer Project Item Content dialog box to select files from the related item to include in the transfer.

Include Files from > Another Project Item

Click to open the Select Project Item dialog box to select a Project Center item to include with the construction change directive.


Click to remove the selected file from the construction change directive.


The name of the file.


The file’s type.


The file’s size.

Date Modified

The date the file was last modified.


The full path to the location of the file.


Any keywords applied to the file.


External References

Select one of the following options to include any externally referenced filesDrawing files often reference other files, including other drawings, as well as plot styles, images, standards, and font files associated with the drawing. Those references, or dependencies, are simply an embedded record of the path to the referenced objects or files. when transferring the files:

Do Not Include External References

Select this option to leave out all externally referenced files.

Only Include Externally Referenced Drawing and Image Files

Select this option to include only externally referenced drawing and image files.

Include All Externally Referenced Drawing, Image, and Support Files

Select this option to include all externally referenced drawing and image files, as well as plot support files required by the AutoCAD files so that they have 100% plot fidelity. These include .CTB, .SHX, .PC3, and .TTF files (True Type fonts). When you transfer the files, the External References dialog box opens, listing both XREFs that were found and XREFs that could not be found. You can then locate them manually.

Save Record Copy in

Select the location in which to save a record copy of the file transfer in this location as a .ZIP file. You can enter a new location by clicking the icon.

Review Complete List of Files Before Creating Transmittal

Mark this checkbox to open the Summary of Included Files and References dialog box so you can verify and edit the list of files being sent.


Refer to the Create a Construction Change Directive dialog box for a description of these tabs.


Click to open the Choose Keywords dialog box to apply keywordsIn Project Center, keywords are words you can add to items to use for filtering. When you add keywords, they appear in the Keywords column of the corresponding Project Center activity centers. You can then filter the list of items using the keywords to quickly find the items you are looking for. to the construction change directive.

Click to spell check the fields in this dialog box. If any mistakes are found, the Spelling Check dialog box opens with spelling suggestions.

Print or Email Form After Filing

Mark this checkbox to open the Transmittal form, which you can review and print immediately after filing the construction change directive, and a transmittal email message in Microsoft Outlook (if you sent it via email) to send to the contacts in the To field to notify them that the construction change directive has been forwarded.

Options Tab

Use this tab to edit the settings for the transmittal sent via Info Exchange or via Email. The available options depend on which method is selected.


Click to forward the construction change directive. The events that occur depend on how the construction change directive and transmittal are being forwarded.

If you chose to send it via Info Exchange:

The original construction change directive remains in the Under Review category.

The Forwarded action is added to the construction change directive’s Change Log tab.

The file transfer is logged in the All Outgoing log of the Info Exchange activity center.

The transmittal is filed in the All Sent log of the Project Transmittals activity center.

If you chose to send it via Email:

An email message opens in Microsoft Outlook containing the files and information about the file transfer. Edit the message, then send it.

The original construction change directive remains in the Under Review category.

The Forwarded action is added to the construction change directive’s Change Log tab.

The transmittal is filed in the All Sent log of the Project Transmittals activity center.

If you choose to send it via hard copy:

The original construction change directive remains in the Under Review category.

The Forwarded action is added to the construction change directive’s Change Log tab.

The transmittal is filed in the All Sent log of the Project Transmittals activity center.

To access this dialog box

You can access this dialog box in the following ways: