Create a Change Order dialog box

11 minutes
1 year ago

Create a Change Order dialog box

Use this dialog box to create a new change order.


Enter the subject of the change order.


The ID number for the change order. You can edit it.

The related contract ID will be added to the beginning of the change order ID after the change order is created.

Contract Information


Click to open the Choose Contract dialog box to select the contract the change order is associated with.

To Company

Click to open the Choose a Project Team Member dialog box to select the contact to whom the change order is being sent.

From Company

Click to open the Choose a Project Team Member dialog box to select the contact who is creating the change order.

Contract Type

Displays the contract type of the contract selected in the Contract field.


Click to open the Choose Disciplines dialog box to apply disciplines to the change order.

Change Order Dates

Due Date

The date by which the contact who received the change order needs to complete it.


Mark the checkbox to add this item to the email notification message sent out by Project Center reminding you to respond back to the contact who sent the change order. Select the number of business days before a response is due, which appears in the email message and in the Open Items tab of the My Project Center activity center.

Reminders can be sent to both internal and external project team members. The frequency at which reminders are sent is set in the General tab of the Project Center Administration activity center Servers tab. Reminders can disabled per project in the Edit Project Settings dialog box.

Remind is not available if the option is disabled for the project or in the Project Center Administration activity center.

Change Order Date

The date the change order was issued.

Date Executed

To enter the date the change order is signed off on and agreed to, mark the checkbox, then select a date.


Initiated By

Click to open the Choose a Project Team Member dialog box to select the contact who requested or authorized the document change.


Click to open the Choose a Project Team Member dialog box to select the contact who was responsible for the change resulting in the change order.


Select the change order’s status from the drop-down list:

If you select Draft, the item appears in the Draft and All categories. Once you select a step in the workflow (for example, Forward for Review), the item is no longer in draft state.

If you select Expected, the item appears in the Expected and All categories and the Expected button becomes available so that you can add optional information such as date expected, who the item is expected from, and who it will be sent to.


If applicable, click to open the Expected Change Order dialog box to select the date the change order is expected.


Click to open the Choose Reasons dialog box to select reasons for the change order.

Form Template

Select the form template to use as the basis for the Change Order form and the PDF file that is created when the change order is finalized.

Executed Change Order

A copy of the scanned, fully signed executed change order. Click the button to browse to and select the file.



Schedule of Values tab

Use this tab to add (and track) commitment items to the contract. This tab changes depending on whether or not the project has any potential change orders (PCOs).

For projects that have PCOs

If the project contains any PCOs, the SoV tab will look like this:


Click to remove pricing items from the list.


Click to open the Select Potential Change Order Pricing Items dialog box to add pricing items from potential change orders.

Item Number

The ID number for the pricing item.

Potential Change Order Subject

The subject of the PCO.

Item Description

The description of the scope of work priced in the PCO.

Cost Code

The name of the cost code applied to the commitment item. Cost codes come from the Cost Codes activity center.

Approved Days

The number of days approved for the pricing item.

Amount Approved

The dollar value approved for the pricing item.


For projects that don’t have any PCOs

If the project does not have any PCOs, the SoV tab will look like this:

Estimated Days

Enter the estimated number of days for the change order, either + or -.

Approved Days

Enter the approved number of days for the change order, either + or -.

Estimated Amount

Enter the estimated dollar amount of the change order, either + or -.

Approved Amount

Enter the approved dollar amount of the change order, either + or -.


Scope tab

Use this tab to enter detailed information about the change order.

General section

Enter any general information about the scope of the change order.

Inclusions section

Enter the work, materials, and other relevant items that the subcontractor is expected to provide with this change order.

Exclusions section

Enter the work, materials, and other relevant items that the subcontractor is not expected to provide with this change order.

Internal Notes section

Enter any internal company notes about the scope of the change order.

When generating a form letter, the information from the General, Inclusions, and Exclusions fields is included. The information from the Internal Notes field is not included.


Contract Docs tab

Use this tab to track record documents related to the change order. Refer to the Document Control activity center topic for a description of the columns.


Click to open the Choose Record Document Revision dialog box to locate and select a record document to include with the change order.


Click to remove the selected record document from the change order.


Preview tab

This tab displays a preview of the file selected in the change order’s Executed Change Order field above.


Description of Contents tab

Describe the contents of the change order. Add one line for each item. This information is used to fill in the Contents section of the Transmittal form.


Click to open the Select Spreadsheet dialog box to locate and open a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet from which to import data into this tab.

Edit in Spreadsheet

Click to open the Save Spreadsheet dialog box to export the contents to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that you can then edit and re-import. The spreadsheet opens automatically and prompts you to re-import when you are done editing it.

When you click the Populate from Files to Send button, the contents of this tab, as well as the associated Transmittal form, will match the sort order and filters applied to the file list of the Files to Send tab.

Add Item

Click to add new item rows.


Mark the checkboxes of items you want to remove, then click Delete to remove them.


Click to remove all items from the list.



Enter the quantity of each item.


Enter dates of individual items received with the change order. For example, if you have six shop drawings, it may help to track dates for each individual sheet.


Enter a number for each item.


Enter the title of each item.


Enter the revision number for each item, if applicable.


Enter the drawing scale of each item, if applicable.


Enter the size of each drawing sheet, if applicable.

Use the Tab key to move to the next cell and to add cells. Press Alt-Enter to add a new line within a Description cell.


Email Log tab

This tab lists all email messages associated with this change order. When a user clicks File in Project (then chooses the Change Order option) from the legacy Project Center Add-in for Microsoft Outlook Toolbar, the email message appears here.


Click to select a preview option for the emails. Options include None, Right, Bottom and Auto Preview.


Click to select an email message to add to the Email Log.


Click to remove the selected email message from the Email Log.


The number in parentheses indicates the number of email messages filed in the change order.

You can copy and paste email messages from Microsoft Outlook and Windows Explorer into this tab.

Double-click an email message to open it in Microsoft Outlook. From there, you can reply to or forward the message.


Supporting Documents tab

Use this tab to attach files to the selected change order and to view attached files. For example, if you receive a change order and a particular drawing is related to it, you can use this tab to attach the drawing file to the change order. Another example is if you receive a file with a change order, mark it up, and want to send the marked up file to a reviewer.

The number in parentheses indicates the number of files that are attached to the change order.

You can copy and paste and drag and drop files from Windows Explorer into this tab.

Set Order

Click to open the Set Document Order dialog box to set the order of the documents.

Add Files > Another Project File

Click open the Add Supporting Documents dialog box to locate and attach a file to the change order.

Share with External > Yes

Click to allow the selected files to be shared with external project team members through Info Exchange.


Click to remove the selected supporting file from the change order.

Preview tab

A preview of the selected file appears here.

Related Items tab

This tab lists all related Project Center items for the selected file.


This tab lists all related Project Center items for the selected change order.

Relate to >

Click to select an existing project item and establish a relationship between it and the currently selected change order. This gives you the ability to link two items that are related together. (For example, a markup session that is related to a change order.) Select Another Project Item to open the Select Project Item dialog box to locate an item that is not in the list. When you create a relationship between two items, each item’s icon is added to the other item’s Related Items column and tab.

Share with External > Yes

Click to allow the selected items to be shared with external project team members through Info Exchange.


Click to unlink and remove the selected project item from the Related Items tab.

Removing a related item from the Related Items tab does not remove it from the database.

The Relation Type column  has two icons to indicate the relationship type:

The icon indicates that the relationship was created by a user and can be deleted (such as an action item related to a change order).

The icon indicates that the relationship was created by Project Center and cannot be deleted (such as a transmittal or record copy related to a change order ).


Change Log tab

This tab displays a history of the actions taken on this change order, including when it was created, modified, who was involved, and any details.

Review Order

Click to open the Set Review Order dialog box to set the order in which the project team members review the change order.


Click to open the Choose Keywords dialog box to apply keywordsIn Project Center, keywords are words you can add to items to use for filtering. When you add keywords, they appear in the Keywords column of the corresponding Project Center activity centers. You can then filter the list of items using the keywords to quickly find the items you are looking for. to the change order.

Click to spell check the fields in this window. If any mistakes are found, the Spelling Check dialog box opens with spelling suggestions.

Next Action

Mark this checkbox to choose whether to forward the contract to another contact, close it, or to send it to another contact and close it after it is filed.


Click to log the change order.


To access this dialog box

Click New Change Order > Create Change Order from the Tasks panel of the Change Orders activity center.