Archive Overview

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1 year ago

Archive Overview

To archive a project in Project Center, you simply set its status to Archive. The project will be listed with a status of Archive throughout Project Center. Project Center users can view and search the items and files in an archived project just like any other project, but when a project is archived, all document sets, action items, transmittals, RFIs, and submittals and other project items become read-only and cannot be edited. The project is also removed from Info Exchange. To prevent archived project files from being modified, network administrators can restrict write privileges on file system folders for projects that are archived.

Archived projects versus active projects

Archived projects are read-only when opened in Project Center, and cannot be edited. To archive a project, change its status from Active or OpportunityOpportunity is a project that business development is pursuing. The firm is doing work, creating files, filing email, etc. related to the proposal. Employees are billing hours. But the firm does not have a contract with the client. to Archive in the Project Information tab of the Edit Project Settings dialog box. To edit an archived project, you must return its status to Active or Opportunity, which you can do at any time.

Be aware that the ability to edit files and drag and drop files to archived projects is governed by the Windows permission settings on the project folders, which Project Center does not change. Even if a project is archived, Windows Explorer folder permissions still take precedence, which means that users can still modify, copy, move or delete files in archived projects as long as they have adequate permissions to do so in Windows Explorer.

Users cannot file email messages to an archived project from the Project Center Add-in for Microsoft Outlook.

Project Center continues to send out reminders for archived projects.

Archived projects versus offline projects

See Offline Project Overview.

Re-pathing a project

You may want to copy or move an archived project to another physical network location. Project Center does not provide any tools for copying or moving project files. However, you can use any system tool (such as Windows Explorer or a third-party archive or backup utility) to copy or move the project folder and project files. After copying or moving the project files, the project will need to be re-pathed before it can be used. See Repath Projects/Batch Repair Broken Project Folder Links for information on re-pathing a project or repairing broken links.