Electronic Document Management System (EDMS) Overview

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8 months ago

Electronic Document Management System (EDMS) Overview

Newforma’s EDMS plug-in enables your Electronic Document Management Systems to integrate seamlessly with Project Center. The EDMS plug-in enables the files in your EDMS to show up in the Project Files activity center just like any other files, as well as any other areas that access files, such as Supporting Documents tabs and Add File dialog boxes. The EDMS plug-in does not replace your EDMS – it simply gives you access to those files along with your other network files right from Project Center, including file check-in and check-out, and enables you to use Project Center functionality on those files.

Another benefit of this feature is that it gives you full Project Center functionality to Project Center workflow items and to features such as such as search, markups, file sharing, and transfers.

EDMS systems supported

Autodesk BIM 360

Autodesk Construction Cloud (ACC)

Bentley ProjectWise

IBM FileNet

Microsoft SharePoint (Online and On Premise)

Background information

Connections to your EDMS system are set by an administrator in the Project Center Administration Activity Center Global Settings tab.

You can configure Project Center to work with multiple EDMS systems.

EDMS folders and files will appear as normal folders in the Project Files activity center and anywhere else files are accessed. You folder structure is not changed.

Project Center treats EDMS files just like any other files. The same features and functionality that are available to non-EDMS files are available to EDMS files.

Project Center has full access to the available file version history, and tracks all add and update operations performed in your EDMS. File check-in and check-out and version tracking is tracked seamlessly.

If you check a file out in Project Center, it will be listed as checked out in your EDMS, and vice-versa.

File types supported by your EDMS are supported by the EDMS-plug-in.

Project Center allows you to create FileNet "no content" documents and ProjectWise "empty" documents. This option is available via the Add Files task for the selected EDMS folder.

Files from your EDMS are indexed by the Project Center Server just like other project files, and therefore have full search capabilities.

EDMS terms

Refer to EDMS Terms Quick Reference Guide for a list of EDMS terms.


If you have a problem accessing files through Project Center, contact Customer Support. If the problem is in your EDMS, contact your EDMS provider.