Markup View panel

2 minutes
7 months ago

Markup View panel

Use the Markup View panel, shown below, to set the status, preview, add and view comments, view properties, and open links associated with each markup. The Markup View panel appears in the Newforma Viewer.

Hide the Markup View panel

In the Newforma Viewer, you can hide the Markup View panel by clicking the button in the top right corner of the panel. The panel re-appears when you create another markupWhen you use pan and zoom to navigate around a drawing, you can save the current location as a markup. You can manage markups in the Views tab of the Drawing Explorer dialog box and in the Markups panel of the Newforma Viewer.. You can also restore the Markups panel by clicking View > Show the Markup Panel.


Delete a markup

To delete a markup, click the button in the upper right corner of the markup you want to delete.


Set the markup status

You can set the status of each markup by clicking the button next to the Status field.


Add a comment

Add comments to a markup by clicking in the Add a Comment field, typing your comment and clicking the button to the right of it. Your comment will be added to the comment list displayed in the field underneath it.


Markup properties

Click the button to open the Markup View Properties dialog box, which provides additional details about the markup, including who created it and when. It also lists the user and creation date associated with each comment, and gives you more room to enter longer comments if you need it.


Click the button to list any links that are visible within the view. Select a link from the drop-down list to open it.