Import PDF Annotations dialog box

2 minutes
12 months ago

Import PDF Annotations dialog box

Use this dialog box to collect annotations from different users who commented on the same PDF file and combine them into the current PDF file. Use this dialog box to locate the PDF file to import annotations from. The annotations will be added to the same pages. For example, an annotation from page 8 of the selected PDF will be copied to page 8 of the current PDF file. If the PDF isn’t similar, a warning is given.

Not all markups are imported. When you add markups in the Newforma Viewer and create a PDF file, the Newforma Viewer attaches a unique ID to each markup when it becomes a PDF annotation. The Newforma Viewer uses this unique ID when importing to make sure that it doesn’t import the same annotation twice.


Click to locate the PDF file containing the annotations you want to import. The PDF can have a different name as the existing PDF, as long as it’s the same original PDF.


Click to remove the selected file.

Import Annotations

Click to import the annotations into the current PDF file.


To access this dialog box

Click Import Markups from the PDF Page Editor dialog box.