Newforma Project Center Server Errors dialog box

3 minutes
1 year ago

Newforma Project Center Server Errors dialog box

This dialog box lists Project Center Server or Newforma Info Exchange Server errors (depending on which type of server is selected), as well as any project errors on the servers. Use the information to solve any problems with the selected server or its projects. It also indicates whether dependent services are running.  Errors are classified as a Warning or Failure in the Severity column.

Error messages in this section indicate configuration or connectivity problems, such as the server cannot connect to its Info Exchange Server (connectivity), or the server’s Indexing Service is not configured properly (configuration). Connector related errors also appear in this section. For example, if there are projects that are enabled for a connector on the server, but no Newforma API Service Account is defined, an error indicating the issue appears. It also lists the dates, categories, and sub-categories of the errors.


Click to clear the server related error messages. The Project Center Server then attempts to perform the original operations that resulted in the error messages so that it can either regenerate the messages again, or succeed at the original task and move on to subsequent processing.

Error messages in this section usually indicate that a particular project or project folder cannot be seen by the server. This could mean that there are network problems or the server does not have access rights to the folders. It also lists the date of the error.


Click to clear the project related error messages. The Project Center Server then attempts to perform the original operations that resulted in the error messages so that it can either regenerate the messages again, or succeed at the original task and move on to subsequent processing.

Error messages in this section usually indicate issues with Newforma Cloud- related processes, such as synchronization errors related to the Microsoft 365 Team Sync.


Click to clear the project related error messages. The Project Center Server then attempts to perform the original operations that resulted in the error messages so that it can either regenerate the messages again, or succeed at the original task and move on to subsequent processing.

IFilter errors

When an Ifilter is not registered on a Project Center Server, you will get errors similar to the following:

To resolve the IFilter errors, enter the following command from a Command Prompt to register the filter:

c:\system32>regsvr32 NewformaExtractorFilter.dll  


To access this dialog box

Select a Project Center Server, then click View Errors/Warnings from the Tasks panel of the Project Center Administration activity center Servers tab.