Folder Tasks panel
Folder Tasks panel
Use the Folder Tasks panel to perform various tasks on folders selected throughout Project Center. Each task is described here.

Selected Folder
Click to open the Search field to search for text within the selected folder. Enter the text you want to find, then click Search. All files in the selected folder and its subfolders are searched. The results are shown in the Search Results window.
Compare to > Folder
Click to open the Select Folder dialog box to select another project folder to compare to the selected folder. After you select the folder, the Compare Results window opens with the results.
Compare to > Document Set
Click to open the Select Document Set dialog box to select a document set to compare to the selected folder. After you select the document set, the Compare Results window opens with the results.
Compare to > Record Copy
Click to open the Select Record Copy dialog box to select a record copy to compare to the selected folder. After you select the record copy, the Compare Results window opens with the results.
Info Exchange > Transfer Only
Click to open the Transfer Files to a Newforma Info Exchange Server dialog box to send the folder and its contents via Info Exchange.
Info Exchange > Transfer and Log a Transmittal
Click to open the Transfer Files and Create an Outgoing Transmittal dialog box to create a transmittal and send the folder and its contents via Info Exchange.
Info Exchange > Create Shared Folder
Click to open the Create Shared Folder dialog box to publish the contents of the project folder as an editable folder on Info Exchange that can then be updated and added to at any time by both internal and external project team members.
Email > Send as Link
Make sure the recipient can access the files before using this task.
Click to open an email message in Microsoft Outlook containing a link to the selected folder that the recipient can click on to access the folder’s contents.
Email > Send and Log Transmittal
Click to open the Send Files and Create an Outgoing Transmittal dialog box to create a transmittal and send the files in an email message.
Email > Send with Options
Click to open the Send Files to Email Recipients dialog box to select the sending options before sending the folder and its contents in an email message.
Additional Send options could be available if other transfer methods were added to this project when it was created, or at any other time using the Edit Project Settings dialog box.
Review Related Markup Sessions
This task is available only when you select a folder that has at least one file that has related markup sessions.
Click to open the Related Markup Sessions activity center to view information about and preview the selected markup sessions.
Create Record Copy
Click to open the Create Record Copy dialog box to create a record copy of the contents of the selected folder and save it to your network in a .ZIP file. You can then use Project Center’s features on this .ZIP file as you would any other file. The record copy is added to the Record Copies activity center.
Record Copy > Create New
Click to open the Create Record Copy dialog box to create a record copy of the contents of the selected project folder and save it to your network in a .ZIP file. You can then use Project Center’s features on this .ZIP file as you would any other file. The record copy is added to the Record Copies activity center.
Record Copy > View All Related
Click to open the Record Copies activity center to view all record copies of the selected project folder.
Record Copy > Compare to Record Copy…
Click to compare the selected project folder to one of its record copies. After you select the record copy, the Compare Results window opens with the results.
Utilities > Find Duplicate Files
Click to find duplicate files within the selected folder and its subfolders. When finished, the Duplicate Files window opens, displaying folders and files that are exact duplicates.
Utilities > External Reference Audit
Click to open the External Reference Audit dialog box to select the options to include in a report on external reference filesDrawing files often reference other files, including other drawings, as well as plot styles, images, standards, and font files associated with the drawing. Those references, or dependencies, are simply an embedded record of the path to the referenced objects or files. for files in the selected project folder.
Utilities > Report on Maximum Path Length Violations
Click to open the Create a Report dialog box to generate a report of all folder/file paths that exceed the Windows maximum path length. When generating this report, you should create the report in Microsoft Excel and use the Display Hyperlinks to Files and the Show Full Path for Hyperlinks options on the Formatting tab.
Beginning with 12.5.3, if you have Long Path enabled, the result when running the Report on Maximum Path Length Violations will be zero.
Explorer Tasks > Paste
Click to paste the copied folder or file from the clipboard into the selected folder.
Explorer Tasks > Copy
Click to copy the folder and its contents to the clipboard, which you can paste to another location.
Explorer Tasks > Move
Click to open the Move to dialog box to move the folder and its contents to another location.
Explorer Tasks > Delete
Click to delete the folder and its contents from the Windows file system.
Explorer Tasks > Rename
Click to rename the folder.
Explorer Tasks > Create New Folder
Click to add a new subfolder in the selected folder.
Explorer Tasks > Select in File System
Select a folder or file from either column, then click this link to open Windows Explorer to the location where the folder or file is physically stored on your local computer or network.
Explorer Tasks > Copy Path to Clipboard
Click to copy the entire path of the selected folder to the clipboard. You can then paste it anywhere else.
Explorer Tasks > View Properties
Click to open the Windows Properties dialog box to view the folder’s properties.
NPC Check-in/Check-out
The following tasks only appear if you use NPC Check-in/Check-out as your EDMS.
NPC Check-in/Check-out Tasks > Copy/Move/Delete/Rename/Add Folder
These tasks perform the same functions as described under Explorer Tasks above, but apply to NPC Check-in/Check-out folders.
NPC Check-in/Check-out Tasks > Add File
Click to select a file and then open the Add File dialog box to add it to the NPC Check-in/Check-out system.
NPC Check-in/Check-out Tasks > Logout
Click to log out of the NPC Check-in/Check-out system.
The following tasks only appear if you use FileNet as your EDMS.
FileNet Tasks > Move/Delete/Rename/Add Folder/Select in FileNet/Copy Path to Clipboard
These tasks perform the same functions as described under Explorer Tasks above, but apply to FileNet folders.
FileNet Tasks > Add File
Click to select a file and then open the Add File dialog box to add it to FileNet.
FileNet Tasks > Logout
Click to log out of FileNet.
The following tasks only appear if you use ProjectWise as your EDMS.
ProjectWise Tasks > Copy/Move/Delete/Rename/Add Folder/Select in ProjectWise/Copy Path to Clipboard
These tasks perform the same functions as described under Explorer Tasks above, but apply to ProjectWise folders.
ProjectWise Tasks > Add File
This task uses ProjectWise dialog boxes.
Click to select a file or create a new file and add it to ProjectWise.
ProjectWise Tasks > Add ProjectWise Project
Click to open the Project Creation Wizard to create a rich ProjectWise project.
ProjectWise Tasks > Logout
Click to log out of ProjectWise.
The following tasks only appear if you use SharePoint as your EDMS. They apply to both Online and On Premise connections.
SharePoint Tasks > Delete/Rename/Add Folder/Select in Sharepoint/Copy Path to Clipboard
These tasks perform the same functions as described under Explorer Tasks above, but apply to SharePoint folders.
SharePoint Tasks > Add File
Click to select a file and then open the Add File dialog box to add it to SharePoint.
SharePoint Tasks > Logout
Click to log out of SharePoint.
BIM 360
The following tasks only appear if you use BIM 360 as your EDMS.
BIM 360 Tasks > Delete/Rename/Add Folder/Select in BIM 360/Copy Path to Clipboard
These tasks perform the same functions as described under Explorer Tasks above, but apply to BIM 360 folders.
BIM 360 Tasks > Add File
Click to select a file and then open the Add File dialog box to add it to BIM 360.
BIM 360 Tasks > Logout
Click to log out of BIM 360.