Edit Expiration and Reminder Settings dialog box

2 minutes
8 months ago

Edit Expiration and Reminder Settings dialog box

Use this dialog box to edit the reminder settings for the selected Newforma Info Exchange file transfer.



Mark this checkbox to apply an expiration date to the file transfer, then select the expiration date from either of the drop-down lists.


Send Reminders

Mark this checkbox and select when to have Info Exchange send an email reminder to yourself or to the file transfer recipients, then mark one or both of the following two checkboxes for the types of reminders you want to send.

To External Recipients Who Have Not Downloaded Files from This Transfer

Mark this checkbox to have Info Exchange send an email reminder to external recipients who have not downloaded this file transfer by the date indicated.

To the Sender if Any External Recipients Have Not Downloaded Files from This Transfer

Mark this checkbox to have Info Exchange send the sender a daily email reminder listing the external recipients who have not downloaded this file transfer by the date indicated.

The frequency at which reminders are sent is set in the Notification Reminders section of the General tab of the Project Center Administration Activity Center Servers tab.

Reminders are disabled for file transfers associated with contract management item assignments since there is already a reminder for the contract management item action.

Notify Sender When All of the External Recipients Have Downloaded Files from This Transfer

Mark this checkbox to have Info Exchange email the sender a message when all external recipients have downloaded this file transfer.


To access this dialog box

You can access this dialog box in the following ways:

Select a file transfer, then click Modify Info Exchange Settings > Expiration and Reminder Settings from the Tasks panel of the Info Exchange activity center.

In the Project Transmittals activity center, select a transmittal, then click Info Exchange Transfer > Expiration and Reminder Settings.