Expected Proposal Request dialog box

2 minutes
1 year ago

Expected Proposal Request dialog box

Use this dialog box to identify who the proposal request is expected from, who it is expected to be sent to, and the date it is expected.

Expected Date

Mark the checkbox and select the expected date from the drop-down calendar.


Mark the checkbox to add this item to the email notification message sent out by Project Center reminding the responsible contact to respond back to the contact who is expecting the proposal request. Select the number of business days before the item is expected to send out the reminder, which appears in the email message and in the Open Items tab of the My Project Center activity center.

Reminders can be sent to both internal and external project team members. The frequency at which reminders are sent is set in the General tab of the Project Center Administration activity center Servers tab. Reminders can disabled per project in the Edit Project Settings dialog box.

Remind is not available if the option is disabled for the project or in the Project Center Administration activity center.


Click to open the Choose a Project Team Member dialog box to select the contact the proposal request is expected from. You can also type email addresses directly in this field.


Click to open the Choose Project Team Members dialog box to select the project team members the proposal request is expected to be sent to. You can also type email addresses directly in this field.

Project Center uses the To field  to send reminders about the proposal request. If you are logging a proposal request that you received via email and it has multiple proposal requests that apply to multiple projects, make sure to only include team members who are on the project you are logging the proposal request for. Otherwise, reminders will be sent to team members on other projects.


To access this dialog box

Click Expected from the Create a Proposal Request dialog box.