Incoming Transmittal Notification dialog box
Incoming Transmittal Notification dialog box
Use this dialog box to select the internal project team members that you want to send an email message notification to regarding an incoming transmittal from an external project team member. The users listed in this dialog box subscribed to receive email notifications (using the Subscribe to External Communication dialog box) whenever a transmittal is logged from a file transfer received from an external project team member.
Subscribed Project Team Members
Mark the checkboxes of the internal team members who you want to send an email message notification to regarding the transmittal.
Skip Notification
Click to file the transmittal without notifying the project team members.
To access this dialog box
Click Log Transmittal from the Log an Incoming Transmittal dialog box (if a Pending Incoming Transfer was received by clicking Receive Pending File Transfer from the Info Exchange Activity Center, and then selecting Record this Transfer as a… from the Receive Pending Transfer dialog box) and selecting the Transmittal option.
This dialog box appears only if members of the internal project team have subscribed to receive notifications when the external team member does a file transfer. To subscribe to external team members and groups that you want to receive an email notification from when they transfer files, transmittals, RFIs, and submittals to your Info Exchange Server, see the Subscribe to External Communication dialog box.