File in Project dialog box

4 minutes
10 months ago

File in Project dialog box

Use this dialog box to choose whether to file the selected Outlook itemSupported Outlook items include email messages, tasks, posts, appointment/meetings, contacts, distribution lists, journal items, meeting requests, and reports. to a Project Center project (to its default project location or a subfolder), or to the Email Log of a Project Center item.

This dialog box is only available from the legacy Project Center Add-in for Microsoft Outlook Toolbar.

You can file email messages, meeting requests, and posts using this dialog box. To file contacts and distribution lists, you must drag and drop them into Project Center.

Use the Edit Email Filing Options dialog box to configure this dialog box.

File in:


Select the project from the drop-down list that you want to file the Outlook item to. Start typing the project name in the Project field to filter the list.

Click the icon to open the Select Project dialog box for a complete list of projects.

Press Enter on the keyboard to accept the default options and file the email.

Project Location

Project Subfolder

Choose this option to file the Outlook item in the default project email folder location, or choose a subfolder if available. Click the icon to display the default folder location.

Project Center automatically creates subfolders for the option selected in the Edit Project Settings dialog box based on the date the email message was sent.

Another Project Location

Choose this option to file the Outlook item to a different project folder, or to a project item. Click the icon to open the Add to Project Item dialog box to select the project folder or item to file it to.

Filing Options

Save Copy of Attachments Separately

Mark this checkbox to save a copy of any attachments separately from the Outlook item you are filing (the original attachments will still be saved with the item). You can save the copies in a different project folder, or to the items listed above.

This option is disabled if multiple email messages are selected.

Move to Another Email Folder/Leave Message in Current Folder

Use this checkbox as a one-time change in how you file this message.

If the Move Manually Filed Email to checkbox in the Edit Email Filing Options dialog box is marked (the item will normally be moved), then this checkbox is labeled Leave Message in Current Folder and checking it will not move the message after you file it.

If the Move Manually Filed Email to checkbox in the Edit Email Filing Options dialog box is cleared (the item will normally not be moved), then this checkbox is labeled Move to Another Email Folder and checking it moves the item after you file it.

Filing Instructions

The text in this field explains how Outlook messages are handled after they are filed in Project Center.


Click to open the Edit Email Filing Options dialog box to configure how Outlook messages are handled after they are filed in Project Center.

Filing options do not apply to Outlook calendar items and tasks.

Additional Settings

Select in Project Center After Filing

Mark this checkbox to go to the Outlook item in either Project Center’s Project Email activity center (if Default Project Location was selected above), or to the Email Log of the selected Project Center item’s activity center (depending on the option chosen in the Another Project Location field above) after clicking OK to file it.


Click to apply project keywords to the message. Note that you cannot manually enter custom keywords.

Send & File

Click to send the message and file it to the project email folder selected above or the Email Log of the selected Project Center item. It is marked as Filed in Newforma in the Sent folder.

Send & Do Not File

Click to send the email message without filing it to Project Center. It is marked as Not Filed in Newforma in the Sent folder.


To access this dialog box

Select an Outlook item that is not linked to a Project Center project, then click File in Project from the legacy Project Center Add-in for Microsoft Outlook Toolbar.

Create a new email message, then click Send and File in Project.