Extract Info Exchange Transfer dialog box

2 minutes
11 months ago

Extract Info Exchange Transfer dialog box

This dialog box lists files that will be included in a file transfer. The listed files were sent in a .ZIP file and need to be extracted to be available in Project Center. If the list contains any files you do no want to transfer, clear the corresponding checkboxes.


The name of the file being transferred.


The file’s type.


The file’s current status.


The size of the file.


When the file was last modified.


The full path to the file.


Next Action

Mark the checkbox and choose Select the Destination Folder in Project Files to go to the location of the folder in the Project Files activity center after you click Continue.


Click to open the Create a Report dialog box to select the type of transfer report to create.


Click to save any changes and continue your with the file transfer.


Click to close this dialog box without making any changes.


To access this dialog box

Select a transfer from the Info Exchange Activity Center, click Extract All from the Transferred Files tab, which opens the Select Destination Folder dialog box, select a destination folder, then click OK.