Edit Spatial Index Extended Properties dialog box
Edit Spatial Index Extended Properties dialog box
Use this dialog box to create and edit the extended properties of Project Center spaces and view synchronization settings with Newforma Project Information Link. The extended properties created here are added to the Create Space dialog box and the Define Space Type dialog box as editable fields, and are added as columns to the Spatial Index activity center.
Extended Properties
This section lists the extended properties for Project Center spaces.
Group Name
The name of the group to which the extended property belongs.
Property Name
The name of the extended property for spaces as it appears in the Spatial Index activity center.
Applies to
Indicates whether the extended property applies to spaces, space types, or both.
Default Value
The default value assigned to the extended property.
Click to open the Add Spatial Index Extended Property dialog box to add an extended property to spaces in the Spatial Index activity center.
Click to open the Edit Spatial Index Extended Property dialog box to edit the selected extended property.
Click to remove the selected extended property from the list and from Project Center.
Property Synchronization Settings
This section lists the Project Center properties that will be synchronized with the corresponding Revit properties.
Property Name
The names of the Project Center space properties to be synchronized.
Synchronization Type
Indicates whether the property value is imported into or exported from Project Center.
Mapped Property
The name of the Revit property being imported into or exported from.
To access this dialog box
Click Utilities > Edit Extended Properties from the Tasks panel of the Spatial Index activity center.