Add Spatial Index Extended Property dialog box

2 minutes
12 months ago

Add Spatial Index Extended Property dialog box

Use this dialog box to create a new extended property for the spatial index. The extended property created here is added to the Create Space dialog box and the Define Space Type dialog box as an editable field, and is added as a column to the Spatial Index activity center.

Group Name

Enter a name to categorize the extended property. For example, you could enter Finishes for properties such as floor finish, ceiling finish, and wall finish.

Property Name

Enter a name for the extended property as you want it to appear in the Spatial Index activity center.

Applies to

Choose Space Types Only to create an extended property for all space types.

Choose Space Instances Only to create an extended property for all spaces.

Choose Both Space Types and Instances to create an extended property for all spaces and space types.

Default Value

Enter the default value to apply to this extended property (optional).


Show in Log View

Mark this checkbox to add the extended property as a column in the Spatial Index activity center.

Show in Other Activity Center Logs

Mark this checkbox to add the field as a column in other Project Center activity centers that reference the space, such as the Punch List activity center.


To access this dialog box

Click the top Add from the top section of the Edit Spatial Index Extended Properties dialog box.