Create a Punch List Item dialog box

4 minutes
1 year ago

Create a Punch List Item dialog box

Use this dialog box to create a punch list item.


Select the punch list item’s type from the drop-down list.

Item Description


Click to open the Choose Space dialog box to select the type of space this punch list item is related to.


Select the location this punch list item applies to from the drop-down list. You can also enter your own.


Select the element this punch list item applies to from the drop-down list. You can also enter your own.


Click to open the Select Description dialog box to choose a description of the problem. You can also enter your own.

If the Allow Custom Descriptions and Elements to be Added to the Description List checkbox is marked in the Punch List category of the Activity Center Setup tab of the Edit Project Settings dialog box, custom terms entered in the Element and Description fields will be save to the database and will then be available for all punch lists.

When you enter text in a punch list’s Element or Description fields, Project Center lists matching text.

When you enter an Element, the first alphabetical Description for that element is entered by default.

When you change the value in a punch list’s Element field, the Description is not changed. The previous value is kept.


Assigned to

Click to open the Choose a Project Team Member dialog box to select the project team members to assign to the punch list item. The company name will also be listed.

Due Date

To enter the date a response is due back to the contact who sent the punch list, mark the checkbox, then select a date. The defaults are 5 and 3 business days, but you can enter a different value in the second drop-down list.


Mark the checkbox to add this item to the email notification message sent out by Project Center reminding you to respond back to the contact who sent the punch list. Select the number of business days before a response is due, which appears in the email message and in the Open Items tab of the My Project Center activity center.

Reminders can be sent to both internal and external project team members. The frequency at which reminders are sent is set in the General tab of the Project Center Administration activity center Servers tab. Reminders can disabled per project in the Edit Project Settings dialog box.

Remind is not available if the option is disabled for the project or in the Project Center Administration activity center.

Spec Section

Click to open the Choose Spec Section dialog box to assign a specification section to the punch list item.

Captured By

Click to open the Choose a Project Team Member dialog box to select the project team member who discovered the problem.


Select the date the problem was discovered.

Team Members

Click to open the Choose a Project Team Member dialog box to select the project team members to include on the punch list item.



The ID number of the punch list is provided here. You can edit the number.


Select the discipline to apply to the punch list item from the drop-down list.


Select the purpose of the punch list item from the drop-down list.


Select the status of the punch list item from the drop-down list.

Refer to the Punch List activity center topic for a description of thee tabs.


Click to open the Choose Keywords dialog box to apply keywordsIn Project Center, keywords are words you can add to project items to use for filtering and searching. When you add keywords, they appear in the Keywords column of the corresponding Project Center activity centers and dialog boxes. You can then filter the list of items using the keywords to quickly find the items you are looking for, as well as do a project search for items containing the keywords. to the punch list.

Copy and Create New

Mark this checkbox to open another punch list item with the same information after this one is created.


To access this dialog box

Click Create a Punch List Item from the Tasks panel of the Punch List activity center.