Modify Record Document dialog box

3 minutes
1 year ago

Modify Record Document dialog box

Use this dialog box to edit a record document to track a drawing sheet’s revisions.

You must be a Document Controller to access this dialog box.


Enter a number for the record document.


Click to open the Choose Scale dialog box to select the scale of the drawing.


Click to open the Choose a Project Team Member dialog box to select the owner of this record document.


Click to open the Choose Disciplines dialog box to apply disciplines to this record document.


Click to open the Choose Purpose dialog box. Record documents can have one or more purposes (For Bid, For Planning, etc.). This field provides a way to use the purpose keyword list to categorize each record document so that you can filter the Document Control activity center at any time to display record documents to be issued for a specific purpose.


Enter a title for the record document.


Click to open the Choose Size dialog box to select the sheet size.

Team Members

Click to open the Choose Project Team Members dialog box to select the project team members involved with this record document.


Click to open the Choose Type dialog box to apply types to the record document.


Select the status of the record document from the drop-down list.


Revision ID Numbering


Enter a prefix for the drawing revision. The prefix will be automatically added to the beginning of the Revision ID field.


Enter a suffix for the drawing revision. The prefix will be automatically added to the end of the Revision ID field.

Number of Digits

The number of digits used by the Revision ID field. This is set in the Edit Project Settings dialog box.

Starting Number

The starting number used by the Revision ID field. This is set in the Edit Project Settings dialog box.



Edit Revision

Mark this checkbox to have the option to edit the last revision or add a new revision. When cleared, only the record document properties will be modified. Revisions will not be impacted.

Revision ID

Enter the revision number.

Revision Date

The date the revision was created.

Revision Filename

Click the button to locate and select the file being revised.

Revision Description

Enter any notes about the revision.

Refer to the Document Control activity center for a description of these tabs.


Click to open the Choose Keywords dialog box to assign keywordsIn Project Center, keywords are words you can add to project items to use for filtering and searching. When you add keywords, they appear in the Keywords column of the corresponding Project Center activity centers and dialog boxes. You can then filter the list of items using the keywords to quickly find the items you are looking for, as well as do a project search for items containing the keywords. to this record document.


To access this dialog box

Select a record document, then click Modify from the Tasks panel of the Document Control activity center.