AutoCAD pen table support
AutoCAD Pen Table Support
The Newforma Viewer can display the thickness of line work as it would be plotted from AutoCAD. If the pen weights are specified in a .CTB (AutoCAD color table) file, and the .CTB file can be found, you can display the line weights by clicking the (Monochrome) icon located at the bottom right of the Newforma Viewer.
In Project Center, when you send or share files via Info Exchange, email, etc., the XREFDrawing files often reference other files, including other drawings, as well as plot styles, images, standards, and font files associated with the drawing. Those references, or dependencies, are simply an embedded record of the path to the referenced objects or files. chasing includes .CTB files if you select the Include All Externally Referenced Drawing, Image, and Support Files option from the in the External References drop-down list in the applicable dialog boxes.
Background information
AutoCAD pen table support applies to Autodesk AutoCAD for Architecture (ACA). Architectural blueprints have thin, medium, and fat lines, and different line weights mean different things. Line weight or thickness in AutoCAD is controlled by colors that are usually assigned by layer. If you draw something on the “Wall” layer, it might be white, and if you draw something on the “Window” layer, it might be blue. Next, the AutoCAD Plot feature is used to create a mapping between colors and line weights. This mapping defines a transformation that is saved to an external .CTB file. When you click the (Monochrome) icon in the Newforma Viewer, the line weight is mapped if the .CTB file exists.
Also, line weight can also be assigned as a propertySome CAD and BIM software tools create intelligent objects with embedded properties. For example, window objects might have embedded properties such as Material and Glazing, stairs might have embedded properties such as Rise/Run and Tread Thickness, and so on. Properties are not generally visible when viewing the drawing. However, when viewing the drawing in its native application, properties associated with an object can typically be queried by selecting the object. The Newforma Viewer provides object property support for certain CAD and BIM file types, including .DWG files created using Autodesk AutoCAD for Architecture (ACA), and .DWF files created using Autodesk Revit or ACA. Additionally, the Find feature in the Newforma Viewer now highlights objects with matching property values. of the layer defined internally in a .DWG file. If the line weight is assigned inside the drawing, the Newforma Viewer displays it correctly in this scenario as well.