Reasons Search Results May Be Incomplete

1 minute
1 year ago

Reasons Search Results May Be Incomplete

If you run a search and the results come back incomplete, the reason is because the Project Center Server has not finished indexing the project. If the Project Center Server is still indexing the project (which happens when the project is new), any searches done during that time will not be complete, as the Project Center Server has not finished gathering all of the information from all of the files in the project.

When you perform a search, the search is done in the background, on the Project Center Server.

To view the indexing status, press Ctrl-Shift-i in Project Center to open the Indexing Statistics dialog box. This dialog box enables you to see if the server is still indexing the current project (which could impact performance in other areas while it is running), and shows if the indexing is complete so you can search or add another large project and begin indexing its contents. If you see that a project is still being indexed, you should not search or add a new project, as the search results will be incomplete, and performance may be affected.