Field Reports Mobile App Quick Reference Guide

7 minutes
1 year ago

Use the Newforma Field Reports Mobile App

This guide provides guidance on using the features of the Field Reports mobile app with Project Center.

Click here to download a PDF of the reference guide.


The Newforma Field Reports mobile app provides construction and design teams an intuitive onsite solution for summarizing their project’s current conditions and events. Using a simple and intuitive interface, construction professionals can record key project conditions including headcount, equipment, weather and field observations with convenient report distribution from anywhere, at any time.

Topics covered

Set up your profile

Set your measurement preferences

Add a project

Start creating today’s field report

Generate the field report

Share the report with others

Access other reports

Clear report data

Create similar report


Set up your profile

The first time you open the Newforma Field Reports mobile app, you are asked to enter your profile information:

Name,Company, and Email Address are required.

You can add a profile image by tapping the camera icon on the default user image.

Tap Create to save your profile information.

Set your measurement preferences

By default, the Field Reports app uses imperial measurements for weather. If you prefer to default to metric, tap the hamburger button in the upper left corner of the Project list page (home screen) and tap General Settings:

Tap the arrow next to Imperial for the System of Measurement. Tap Metric to make the change.

Add a project

You will need to add any projects for which you want to create field reports.

Note that the Field Reports mobile app project list does not pull project information from Project Center or ConstructEx. Project must be manually added to the app.

To add a project:

Tap the plus sign in the upper right corner of the app:

Enter the Project Name and any other values as needed.

Tap Create.

Start creating today’s field report

Once you’ve created a project, you’re ready to start entering information for today’s field report.

Add Headcount

You can add headcount values for individuals or for a company.

Tap Headcount.

Tap Person or Company:

Enter the required information.

Tap Onsite to enter the onsite hours for a person, or number of team members onsite for a company. Tap Done.

If you added a company and want to add onsite hours, tap Hours and enter the appropriate value.

Tap Create.

The entered values show as part of the Onsite Headcount for the day.

Once added to a project, Headcount values are available for selection under Others when creating field reports for additional days in the project. Tap the pencil icon to the right to add and enter values for the current report as needed:

Add Equipment

The process for adding Equipment is similar to adding Headcount. Tap Equipment and follow the prompts.

Add Weather conditions

Add weather conditions by tapping the cloud icon at the bottom of the screen:

Use the temperature toggle switch to switch between imperial and metric weather values.

Tap any value to manually change it.

Tap Create in the upper right corner to add the weather conditions to the report timeline:

Add observations

Tap the paper and pencil icon at the bottom of the page, then tap the type of observation you want to create.

Add notes to the observation.

To add photo(s) to the observation, tap the camera in the upper right corner:

Take a new photo or select from the gallery on your device.

Select the photo and markup as needed.

Tap the arrow at the bottom right to add the photo to the observation.

Repeat to add more photos to the observation.

Tap Create to add the observation to the timeline:

Add a photo directly to the timeline

Tap the camera icon at the bottom of the screen.

Follow the same steps as those for adding a photo to an observation.

Set the Offsite time for the report

When you’re ready to close your field report, tap the Offsite icon in the timeline (the clock at the bottom of the timeline screen) and enter the appropriate time. The current time appears by default.

Tap Confirm.

Generate the field report

Tap the PDF icon in the upper right of the timeline screen to generate the field report PDF file for the day:

The app generates and displays the report:

Share the report with others

When you’re ready, you can share the report with others using the options available on your device.

While viewing the report, tap the Share icon in the upper right corner, then select the method you want to use to share your report:

Complete the process needed to share the report via the selected method.

Tap Done to close the PDF.

Access other reports

You can access or create reports for other dates using the calendar control.

Tap the calendar at the top of the timeline page.

Any dates with dots have existing reports. Tap the date to view or modify the report:

Tap dates without dots to create reports for those dates.

Note that you can create a field report for a future date if desired.

Clear report data

If you want to clear all data for the current report and start over, you can do so from the Report Details screen.

To clear a single item from the report, swipe left and tap the trash can icon.

At the bottom right of the screen, tap the Report Details icon:

Tap Clear Report Data and tap Delete Report Data in the confirmation popup.

The Upload to Project link on the Report Details page only applies to uploading the report to Newforma ConstructEx. To share the report to any other location, follow the instructions in the Generate the Field Report section above.

Create similar report

Often, much of the report data remains the same from day to day. You can use data from a previous date to populate the report for the current date, saving time in the field.

Use the calendar to navigate to the report you want to copy.

At the bottom right of the screen, tap the Report Details icon:

Tap Create Similar Report and tap Create Similar Report in the confirmation popup.

The current day’s report is filled with data from the selected report.

Additional Notes

Weather data is not copied when using Create Similar Report.

If Headcount or Equipment data already exists in the current day’s report for a specific person, company, or piece of equipment, and data for that item also exists in the report being copied, no new data will be copied to the current day’s report. For example:

Today is April 27th. I create a report for today that includes Bob Smith in the Headcount. He is set to onsite for 4 hours.

I have an existing report for April 20th. It includes an entry for Bob Smith in the Headcount where he was onsite for 3 hours. The report for April 20th also includes a Headcount entry for Sally Jones onsite for 5 hours.

I choose Create Similar Report to copy the data from the April 20th report to today’s report.

Because today’s report does not already include a value for Sally Jones, her data is copied from the April 20th report to today’s report.

The Headcount section for the April 27th report includes:

Bob Smith onsite for 4 hours

Sally Jones onsite for 5 hours