Re-index or Re-scan Project Files and Folders

1 minute
1 year ago

Re-index or Re-scan Project Files and Folders

Perform the following steps to re-index or re-scan project files immediately.

You must be a Project Center administrator to perform this procedure.

To re-index or re-scan project files

If you are not already there, open the Project Center Administration activity center by clicking Project Center Administration from the Tasks panel of the My Project Center activity center, or from the Activities list.

Click the Servers tab.

Select Index from the Servers drop-down list and then select the Indexing Server you want to use to re-index files.

Click the Reprocessing Requests tab.

Select the option you want to use from the Select the Type of Request drop-down list. See Reprocessing Requests tab for a description of each of the indexing choices.

Select the connection type from the Connection Name drop-down list.

Select the items to re-index or re-scan as described in the Reprocessing Requests tab topic.

Click Submit Request to start the re-indexing process.