Log a Sketch

2 minutes
1 year ago

Log a Sketch

Perform the following steps to log a sketch in Project Center. You can log a sketch from within Project Center, or from an Outlook itemOutlook items include email messages, calendar items, tasks, and posts. in Microsoft Outlook.

To log a sketch from Project Center

If you are not already there, open the Sketches and Supplemental Drawings activity center (shown below) by clicking Sketches and Supplemental Drawings from the Project Home activity center or from the Activities list.

Click Log a Sketch from the Tasks panel to open the Log a Sketch and Supplemental Drawing dialog box, as shown here:

Your name is entered in the Created By field, which you can edit.

Click the Type drop-down list and select the sketch’s type.

Enter a subject in the Subject field.

Click Reasons to open the Choose Reasons dialog box to select the reason.

Click the  button next to the File field to locate and select the sketch file to log.

Click Discipline to open the Choose Disciplines dialog box to select a discipline.

Click Contract to open the Choose Contract dialog box to select the contract the sketch pertains to.

Describe the sketch in the Description tab.

The Email Log tab lists all email messages associated with the selected sketch. When you click File in Project or File as (then choose the Sketch option) from the legacy Project Center Add-in for Microsoft Outlook Toolbar, the email message appears here. You can also add email messages by clicking Add or dragging and dropping from Microsoft Outlook.

To include any additional files that may be related to the sketch, add them by clicking the Supporting Documents tab, then clicking Add Files > Another Project File. Navigate through the folders until you locate the file, then click Open. Repeat as necessary until you have added all the necessary files.

Click OK. Project Center files the sketch in the All Open Sketches category of the Sketches and Supplemental Drawings activity center.

To file a sketch from a Microsoft Outlook item

See Log a Project Center Item from Microsoft Outlook.