Import Project Timeline Items from Microsoft Project

2 minutes
1 year ago

Import Project Timeline Items from Microsoft Project

Perform the following steps to import items from a Microsoft Project (.MPP) file into the project timeline for the current Project Center project.

You must be a Project Center administrator to perform this procedure.

You must have Microsoft Project installed on the same machine as Project Center to perform this procedure.

To import items from a Microsoft Project plan

If you are not already there, open the Project Timeline activity center by clicking Project Timeline from the Project Home activity center or from the Activities list.

Click Timeline Utilities > Import > Items from Microsoft Project from the Tasks panel to open the Choose Import File dialog box. Locate the Microsoft Project plan file you want to import, then click Open.

The milestones, tasks, and phases are immediately added to the project timeline. The following table shows how items from Microsoft Project are mapped in the Project Center timeline:

Microsoft Project Task Type

Project Center Timeline Item Type

Task Summary







Use the Journal view for the closest representation of how timeline items appear in Microsoft Project.

Synchronization between Project Center and Microsoft Project is not automatic. To synchronize the plan, click Timeline Utilities > Synchronize> Plan. Previous items from the plan will be removed and replaced with current items in the plan.

Optional: To remove plan items from the timeline, click Timeline Utilities > Remove Timeline Items for> Plan. This could be helpful if a plan was imported more than once, as Project Center will import them again and not overwrite the same items.