Project Keyword List dialog box

9 minutes
9 months ago

Project Keyword List dialog box

Use this dialog box to add project keywords to a keywordsIn Project Center, keywords are words you can add to project items to use for filtering and searching. When you add keywords, they appear in the Keywords column of the corresponding Project Center activity centers and dialog boxes. You can then filter the list of items using the keywords to quickly find the items you are looking for, as well as do a project search for items containing the keywords. list in the Keywords tab of the Project Center Administration activity center. You can then apply the keyword list containing the keywords entered here to any Project Center project.


The name of the keyword.


The keyword’s description.


The keyword’s type. The type indicates the keyword’s behavior. For example, in the Global UAC Submittal Action List, the type Receive indicates that when a submittal is logged, the keyword names associated with that type appear in the Action drop down list in the Log a Received Submittal dialog box.


Click to open the Add a Project Keyword dialog box to add new keywords to the list.


Click to open the Modify a Project Keyword dialog box to edit the selected keyword.


Click to remove the selected keyword from the list.

The Global Project Status List is the list that contains project statuses. Use this keyword list to add and edit global project statuses. New statuses added to this list apply to all projects and will appear in the Status drop-down list of the Create Project dialog box and the Edit Project Settings dialog box.

Global UAC Submittal Action List

TypeEditable NamesUsed InAccessed By
For Review No Action Required

Log a Received Submittal dialog boxAction drop-down.

Click the New Submittal > Log a Received Submittal task.
For Review For Review and Comment No Action Required

Forward Submittal for Review dialog boxPurpose drop-down.

Select an open submittal and click Forward for Review.
Record a Response  
No Action Taken Reviewed No Exceptions Rejected Revise and Resubmit

Record Reviewer Response for Submittal dialogAction drop-down.

Select an open submittal and click Record Reviewer Response.

Respond and Close (Approve category)  

Reviewed No Exceptions Changes Recommended (Contracts, Change Order Proposal) Reviewed (Contracts) Signed (Contracts, Change Orders) No Changes (Contracts, Change Orders)  

Respond to Submittal and Close dialog box > Action drop-down.

Select an open submittal and click Close > Respond and Close. Values associated the Approved type appear in the All Closed > Approved subcategory in the log.

Respond and Close (No Action Taken category)  

No Action Taken
Respond to Submittal and Close dialog box > Action drop-down.

Select an open submittal and click Close > Respond and Close. Values associated with the No Action Taken type appear in the All Closed > No Action Taken subcategory in the log.

Respond and Close (Reject category,  Resubmit behavior)  

Revise and Resubmit Partial Resubmittal
Respond to Submittal and Close dialog box > Action drop-down.

Select an open submittal and click Close > Respond and Close. Values associated the Resubmit type appear in the Expected > Expected Resubmission subcategory in the log.

Respond and Close (Reject category)  

Respond to Submittal and Close dialog box > Action drop-down.

Select an open submittal and click Close > Respond and Close. Values associated the Reject type appear in the All Closed > Rejected subcategory in the log.


For Information Only For Construction

Send Submittal dialog boxPurpose drop-down.

Select a submittal and click Send.

Send and Close (Approve category)  

For Information Only For Construction

Send Submittal dialog boxPurpose drop-down.

Select an open submittal and click Close > Send and Close. Values associated with this type will appear in the All Closed > Approved subcategory in the log.

Close  (All Closed category)  

Void No Action Taken

Send Submittal dialog boxPurpose drop-down.

Select an open submittal and click Close > Close. Values associated with this type will appear in the All Closed category (not in any subcategories) in the log.

Close (Approve category)


Send Submittal dialog boxPurpose drop-down.

Select an open submittal and click Close > Close. Values associated with this type will appear in the All Closed > Approved subcategory in the log.

Close (No Action Taken category)

No Action Taken

Close Submittal dialog boxAction drop-down.

Select an open submittal and click Close > Close. Values associated with this type will appear in the All Closed > No Action Taken subcategory in the log.


Additional Information

Re – Open Submittal dialog boxReason drop-down.

Select a closed submittal and click Reopen.

Final Receive  

No Action Taken

Not currently used in Project Center.

Global UAC RFI Action List

TypeEditable NamesUsed InAccessed By
ReceiveRequest for InformationLog a Received RFI dialog box  Action drop-down.Click the New RFI > Log a Received RFI task.
ForwardTo AnswerForward RFI for Review dialog box Purpose drop-down.Select an open RFI and click Forward for Review.
Record a ResponseAnswered
Not Answered
Record Reviewer Response for RFI dialog box Action drop-down.Select an open RFI and click Record Reviewer Response.
Respond and Close (Approved category)Answered
Additional Information Needed
Respond to RFI and Close dialog box Action drop-down.Select an open RFI and click Close > Respond and Close.
Respond and Close (No Action Taken category)<No default value>Respond to RFI and Close dialog box Action drop-down.Select an open RFI and click Close > Respond and Close.
Respond and Close (Reject category, Resubmit behavior)<No default value>Respond to RFI and Close dialog box Action drop-down.Select an open RFI and click Close > Respond and Close.
SendFor Information Only
For Construction
Send RFI dialog box Purpose drop-down.Select an RFI and click Send.
Send and Close (All Closed category)For Information Only
For Construction
Send and Close RFI dialog box Purpose drop-down.Select an open RFI and click Close > Send and Close.
Send and Close (Approved category)<No default value>Send and Close RFI dialog box Purpose drop-down.Select an open RFI and click Close > Send and Close.
ReopenAdditional InformationRe-Open RFI dialog box Reason drop-down.Select a closed RFI and click Reopen.
Close (All Closed category)Void
No Action Taken
Close RFI dialog box Action drop-down.Select an open RFI and click Close > Close.
Close (Approve category)<New default value>Close RFI dialog box Action drop-down.Select an open RFI and click Close > Close.
Close (No Action Taken category)<New default value>Close RFI dialog box Action drop-down.Select an open RFI and click Close > Close.
Close (Reject category)<New default value>Close RFI dialog box Action drop-down.Select an open RFI and click Close > Close.

Global Addendum Action List/Global Bulletin Action List/Global ASI Action List/Global Proposal Request Action List/
Global CCD Action List/Global Change Order Proposal Action List/Global Change Order Action List/ Global Contracts Action List

TypeEditable NamesUsed InAccessed By
For Bid Package Evaluation

No Action Required
For Construction
Respond with Proposal

No Action Required

Proposal Request:

No Action Required

Change Order Proposal:
For Input
Request updated quotes

Change Order:
For Review
Log a Received Contract Management Item dialog box  Action drop-down.Select the New Item > Log a Received Item task.
ForwardTo AnswerForward Contract Management Item for Review dialog box Purpose drop-down.Select an open item and click Forward for Review.
Record a ResponseAnswered
Not Answered
Record Reviewer Response for Contract Management Item dialog box Action drop-down.Select an open item and click Record Reviewer Response.
Respond and Close (Approved category)Answered
Additional Information Needed
Respond to Contract Management Item and Close dialog box Action drop-down.Select an open item and click Close > Respond and Close.
Values associated the Approve type appear in the All Closed > Approved subcategory in the log.
Respond and Close (No Action Taken category)<No default value>Respond to Contract Management Item and Close dialog box Action drop-down.Select an open item and click Close > Respond and Close.
Values associated the Approve type appear in the All Closed > Approved subcategory in the log.
Respond and Close (Reject category, Resubmit behavior)<No default value>Respond to Contract Management Item and Close dialog box Action drop-down.Select an open item and click Close > Respond and Close.
Values associated the Approve type appear in the All Closed > Approved subcategory in the log.
SendFor Information Only
For Construction
Send Contract Management Item dialog box Purpose drop-down.Select an item and click Send.
Send and Close (All Closed category)For Information Only
For Construction
Send and Close Contract Management Item dialog box Purpose drop-down.Select an open item and click Close > Send and Close.
Send and Close (Approved category)<No default value>Send and Close Contract Management Item dialog box Purpose drop-down.Select an open item and click Close > Send and Close.
ReopenAdditional InformationReopen Contract Management Item dialog box Reason drop-down.Select a closed item and click Reopen.
Close (All Closed category)Void
No Action Taken
Close Contract Management Item dialog box Action drop-down.Select an open item and click Close > Close.
Close (Approve category)<New default value>Close Contract Management Item dialog box Action drop-down.Select an open item and click Close > Close.
Close (No Action Taken category)<New default value>Close Contract Management Item dialog box Action drop-down.Select an open item and click Close > Close.
Close (Reject category)<New default value>Close Contract Management Item dialog box Action drop-down.Select an open item and click Close > Close.
Final ReceiveFor InformationNot currently used in Project Center – appears in Global Addendum Action List, Global Change Order Action List, Global ASI Action List.

To access this dialog box

From the Keywords tab of the Project Center Administration activity center, select a project keyword list from the Keyword Lists section, then click Modify.