Modify Markup Session dialog box

4 minutes
1 year ago

Modify Markup Session dialog box

Use this dialog box to modify the properties of a markup session.


Enter a title for the markup session.


Click to open the Choose Project Team Members dialog box to add project team members to this markup session.


Set the status of the markup session to Open or Closed.

Remarks tab

Enter any additional remarks about the markup session.


Email Log tab

The number in parentheses indicates the number of email messages filed in the markup session.

This tab lists all email messages associated with the selected markup session. Users can drag and drop email messages from Microsoft Outlook and Windows Explorer into this tab.

Double-click an email message to open it in Microsoft Outlook. From there, you can reply to or forward the message.

When you select an email message, a preview appears in the right pane.


Click to open the Add Email Messages dialog box select an email message to add to the current markup session.


Click to remove the selected email message from the markup session.

Preview tab

A preview of the selected email message appears here.

Related Items tab

This tab lists all related Project Center items for the selected email message.


This tab lists all related Project Center items for the selected markup session.

The markup session’s source file is listed under the Relation Type column.

Click to open the Identify an Action Item dialog box to create a new action item and link it to the current markup session.

Click to open the Send Files to Email Recipients dialog box to send project files via email. Nothing is logged in this tab.

Click to open the Transfer Files to a Newforma Info Exchange Server dialog box to transfer project files via your Newforma Info Exchange Server and link the transfer to the current markup session.

Click to open the Send Files and Create an Outgoing Transmittal dialog box to send project files via email, file an outgoing transmittal for a file transfer, and link the transfer to the current markup session.

Click to open the Transfer Files and Create an Outgoing Transmittal dialog box to transfer project files via your Newforma Info Exchange Server, create a new outgoing transmittal for the file transfer, and link the transfer to the current markup session.

Click to open the Create Contract Management Item dialog box for the type of contract management item you selected to create a new contract management item and link it to the current markup session.

Relate to >

Click to select an existing project item and establish a relationship between it and the currently selected markup session. This gives you the ability to link two items that are related together. (For example, an action item that is related to a markup session.) Select Another Project Item to open the Select Project Item dialog box to locate an item that is not in the list.


Change Log tab

This tab lists the dates and project team members who created, modified, and closed the markup session.


Click to open the Choose Keywords dialog box to apply keywordsIn Project Center, keywords are words you can add to project items to use for filtering and searching. When you add keywords, they appear in the Keywords column of the corresponding Project Center activity centers and dialog boxes. You can then filter the list of items using the keywords to quickly find the items you are looking for, as well as do a project search for items containing the keywords. to the markup session, if applicable.


To access this dialog box

Select a markup session , then click Modify Properties from the Tasks panel of the Project Markup Sessions activity center or the Related Markup Sessions activity center.