Add Custom Field dialog box
Add Custom Field dialog box
Use this dialog box to create a new custom field.
Enter a name for the custom field.
Enter a description of the custom field.
Select the custom field’s type from the drop-down list. Users will then be able to enter one of the following in the custom field:
Single Line Text: Single line alphanumeric text field.
Note (Multi-line Text): Multi-line alphanumeric text field.
Date: Selectable date.
Date and Time: Selectable date and time.
Time of Day: Selectable time.
Currency: A monetary value.
Quantity: An integer (1, 2, 3, etc.).
Numeric: A decimal number (1.0, 2.12, 3.14, etc.).
Email: An email address. In Info Exchange, this is a link that can be clicked on to open an email message.
Phone: A phone number. In Info Exchange, this is a link that can be clicked on and dialed if the user has a phone application.
Yes/No: Yes or No.
URL: A web URL.
Keyword: A single keyword from a list.
Keyword List: Multiple items from a keyword list.
Default Value
If you want the custom field to have a default value, enter the value here.
Template Tag
Enter the tag that will appear in the XML code for forms.
Add to Columns
Mark this checkbox if you want the custom field to appear as a column in the corresponding activity center’s log.
Choose Show by Default to show the custom field column by default (users can then de-select it).
Choose Hide by Default to hide the custom field column by default (users can then add it).
External Users on Info Exchange
Mark this checkbox to enable external users to see the custom field on Info Exchange (internal users see it automatically).
To access this dialog box
Click Add Field from the Modify Custom Layout dialog box.