Add Custom Project Activity Summary dialog box

4 minutes
1 year ago

Add Custom Project Activity Summary dialog box

Use this dialog box to create a new project activity summary tab for the Project Activity Summary section of the My Project Center activity center.

A sample ActivitySummaryConfig.xml is given at the bottom of this topic.


Enter the name that you want to appear on the custom project activity summary tab.

Connection String

Enter the connection string value to connect to the server and the database. The example at the bottom of this topic is for Deltek Vision on a server called “Hebron,” connected to the database “VisionDemo50.”

SQL Statement

Enter the SQL query that will retrieve activity summary data.

FOR xml auto, ELEMENTS statement is required to generate the XML for a SQL Server database.

WHERE PR.WBS1 = ‘[ProjectNumber]‘ – project number substitutes from Project Center.

Here is a list of other fields that can be substituted from Project Center:
















[MapLocation] – This is for Google Earth

[EarthLocation] – This is for Google Earth


XSL File

Enter the full path to the XSL style sheet file. The style sheet formats the appearance of the data in the tab.


Select the status, which determines whether the custom project activity summary tab is displayed in the My Project Center activity center for Project Center users.

  • Select Inactive to inactivate the custom project activity summary tab and remove it from Project Center. The tab will not be available to any user.

  • Select Active to make the tab available to all users and add the custom project activity summary to the Project Activity Summary Tabs list of the Edit Project Activity Summary dialog box.

    • Select Show in Used to add the project activity summary tab to the Project Activity Summary section of the My Project Center activity center for all users. Users can then remove it if they want to using the Edit Project Activity Summary dialog box.

    • Select Show in Unused to make the project activity summary tab available to users. It will not appear in the My Project Center activity center for any users by default. Users can add it using the Edit Project Activity Summary dialog box.

Once a project activity summary has been set to Active and either Show in Used or Show in Unused, the only option available is to change the status to Inactive. This prevents a user from inadvertently changing the preference to Show in Used or Show in Unused for a user. To make changes to it, change it’s status to Inactive. Once the project activity summary changes have been made, it can be set back to Active again.

SQL Server Database

Mark this checkbox if you are connecting to a SQL server database. Clear it if you are connecting to another database.

Test Connection

Click to test the connection to the database.


Example ActivitySummaryConfig.xml file


<Name>Deltek Invoices 2</Name>

<ConnectionString>Data Source=Hebron;Initial Catalog=VisionDemo50;Integrated Security=SSPI</ConnectionString>

<SqlStatement>SELECT PR.*, ‘$’ + CONVERT(VARCHAR,CONVERT(MONEY,PR.Fee),1) as FormattedFee, billARDetail.InvoiceNumber, CONVERT(varchar, billARDetail.InvoiceDate, 101) as InvoiceDate, ‘$’ + CONVERT(VARCHAR,CONVERT(MONEY,billARDetail.Balance),1) as Balance, ‘$’ + CONVERT(VARCHAR,CONVERT(MONEY,billARDetail.Invoiced),1) as Invoiced, ‘$’ + CONVERT(VARCHAR,CONVERT(MONEY,billARDetail.Received),1) as Received FROM AR INNER JOIN PR ON AR.WBS1 = PR.WBS1 INNER JOIN billInvMaster ON AR.Invoice = billInvMaster.Invoice INNER JOIN billARDetail ON AR.Invoice = billARDetail.Invoice WHERE PR.WBS1 = ‘[ProjectNumber]’ AND PR.WBS2=” FOR xml auto, ELEMENTS,ROOT(‘ActivitySummaryData’)





To access this dialog box

Click Add from the Custom Project Activity Summaries section of the Global Settings tab of the Project Center Administration activity center.