Add the Project Timeline to Microsoft Outlook and Update It Automatically

1 minute
9 months ago

Add the Project Timeline to Microsoft Outlook and Update It Automatically

Perform the following steps to add the project timeline to Microsoft Outlook and update it automatically.

You must be a member of the project team, and you must have access to this project on Info Exchange to perform this procedure. Info Exchange access is set in the Modify Project Team Member dialog box.

To add the project timeline to Outlook and have it update automatically

Share the Project Timeline with External Project Team Members or Other Contacts to enable automatic updates.

Project Center users: Go to the Project Timeline activity center and click Timeline Utilities > Add to Microsoft Outlook and Subscribe to Updates from the Tasks panel to create a new calendar in Outlook containing all of the project timeline items, which will then update automatically every 60 minutes.

Info Exchange users: Go to the Project Calendar page in Info Exchange and click where indicated in the Outlook 2007 or newer, click to download and subscribe to Outlook calendar link statement to create a new calendar in Outlook containing all of the project timeline items, which will then update automatically every 60 minutes.