Shared Folders Overview
Shared folders are folders or document sets used by project team members in both Project Center and Info Exchange to coordinate drawings, models and other types of files. All project team members that are a party to the shared folder can download, open and upload files to the folder using any standard web browser, including those on smartphones and tablets. In addition, Info Exchange users can create subfolders within a shared folder to better organize uploaded files.
Generally, the process for using shared folders entails the following:
A Project Center user publishes a project folder from their network that contains files to be shared as a shared folder on the Info Exchange web site.
The Project Center user then adds selected members of the project team from other companies to the shared folder, enabling them to view, download, and upload files using Info Exchange.
All members of the shared folder receive email notifications when it is published, and optionally when its contents have been updated.
Team members can download the published files.
Team members can upload additional files as needed.
Using Newforma to Newforma, external team members that also use Newforma Project Center within their company can connect Shared Folders to project folders on their network to automate the exchange of information between the companies.