Extended Info Exchange Widgets
Extended Info Exchange Widgets
Info Exchange provides you with a number of standard widgets that can be added to the Project Home page. In addition, an administrator can create custom widgets that can be made available for users to add to their Project Home page as well.
The two types of extended widgets that can be created are:
Image widget. Image widgets can display either static or dynamic images from a variety of sources. For example, a custom weather widget could be created to display either a static JPEG or an animated GIF image for weather at a project site from a source such as radar.weather.gov. Other types of image widgets include QR codes and video streams from site cameras.
Video streams must be in the MJPEG format.
Link List widget. A Link List widget allows you to create a custom list of hyperlinks and to display them in a widget on the Project Home page.
For details on creating extended widgets, please refer to Create an Extended Widget.